Hi all, My name is Andrew. I live in Melbourne, Australia and I recently decided to pursue my life long passion of writing. I love to read everything I can get my hands on, but I ultimately would like to write character centric fantasy and science fiction. I think there is too much 'epicness' in these genres today and many people (authors and readers) have cast the human element by the way side. Although, I don't have a problem with a good adventure every now and then. On to my question. I remember reading a short story about a man who had a hair stuck in his teeth; he felt sick and took the rest of the day off work and walked around the city (New York I think); he ended up going home and calling work to tell them that he would be in the next day. Now I can't for the life of me remember the title or the author, although I think it may have been Raymond Carver. Does anyone recognise this story? If you do what is it called and who wrote it. Thanks. I look forward to sharing my love of writing and story telling with all of you. Andrew
Hi Andrew, Sorry I can't help you with the title that you are looking for. Have you tried googling Raymond Carver? Welcome Cheers
Welcome to Writing Forums, Andrew! I hope you find what you're looking for here, whatever your interests in writing. This forum aims to provide the best workshopping resources on the internet, and to that end we have a few rules which you should familiarise yourself with before you get stuck in. The main section of the site is the Writing Workshop, where members can post their writing in order to receive critique of their work. However, before we allow members to post their work, they must have met some basic requirments. Firstly, you must have been a member for fourteen days, and have made twenty posts on the forum overall (please note, posts in Word Games do not count towards this). This is so that members, when they post their work, have familiarised themselves with the forums and contributed to them (as well as hopefully learned something for themselves). Secondly, members must provide two constructive reviews of other people's work for each piece of their own that they wish to post. This is because we believe that the focus of workshopping should be equally upon giving reviews as receiving them, as they allow a writer to practice and improve their editing skills, which they can then apply to their own writing. Beyond the Writing Workshop, you will find that we have extensive forums for discussion of aspects of writing, as well as a community area for general discussion. We also run periodic short story and poetry contests, which are good for challenging yourself and expanding your skills. If you have any questions or problems, then the moderators (myself and Cogito) should be your first port of call. Any technical problems with the site itself should be directed to Daniel, the site administrator and owner. I would recommend you have a look over the rules so that you know what to expect, and what is expected. But aside from that, I hope you enjoy your time here. Banzai
google is your best friend... and should be the first place you go for such searches... https://www.google.com/webhp?rls=ig#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&rls=ig&site=webhp&source=hp&q=%22the+hair+caught+between+Dave%27s+teeth+erodes+his+composure%2C+rendering+him+feverish+by+%22&psj=1&oq=%22the+hair+caught+between+Dave%27s+teeth+erodes+his+composure%2C+rendering+him+feverish+by+%22&aq=f&aqi=&aql=1&gs_sm=3&gs_upl=10468l24828l0l25609l3l3l0l0l0l0l234l625l0.1.2l3l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=473ef2b1de070355&biw=856&bih=387
Thanks for the welcome guys. @ Rapscallion and Mammamaia: Yes I always google whatever I am searching for, but after an hour and a half I came up with nothing except some excerts and the author; which is why I am posting here. @Banzai: I will familiarise myself with the forum rules as time permits. The 20 posts you've mentioned, do these have to specifically be in the sections that deal with character, plot, theme, critiquing etc? Andrew