Greetings. I am yet another newbie, to this site and in certain ways to writing as well. I had creative writing subjects and work books throughout jr and high school years, though I spent most of my time daydreaming and living in the imaginative worlds I created. I started to take more of an interest in writing when I was 21 and have mostly been doing research, snagging guide and reference books while I worked on an idea for a scifi-outer space serial I’ve always wanted to do. I finally finished my first full length novel and have it posted on my account in and am very pleased with how the story turned out. I don’t have any plans or intentions of taking writing professionally or officially publishing my works for money. Whatever I write I post online for anyone freely to read and accept any and all feedback/criticism. Though I have a very sensitive personality I do not like things sugar coated. If something I do is bad or wrong in someone’s opinion I can accept and reflect in order to see a new point of view or progress my skills. Positive critics are flattering, but the negative is what makes us stronger. I came to this site to expand my horizons on writing, to meet other writers and in hopes to increase my skills.