Are there any quirks that you have--habits and the like--that make you feel guilty or really snobby when you aren't? One of mine is that I hate motels. Hate them, even if they're really nice. I always have to have a hotel, a big one with the indoor and outdoor waterparks. My parents take us to the Dells (Wisconsin Dells) twice a year, and that's how the whole place is. It makes me feel really guilty, but it's a habit that I can't break. Anyone else?
Guilty - When I am upset - really upset with someone I will take it out on my punching bag. OK so far so good, except I can really see them in my mind and I see myself literally breaking them. Umm ... ???
Ah, - I constantly play with my cuffs/cufflinks if I'm wearing a shirt. - If I think of something funny, I must say it. Immediately. - I end pretty much every sentence with "ah..." as if I have to think that hard on my next sentence. - I wear a waistcoat no matter what I'm doing. Waistcoats are awesome. - My computer is my most prized possesion, I will not allow anyone to touch it without my permission. Passwords rule. - I have an uncanny ability to appear nice, when I'm just feeding my own ego. - I will always start (and end) the arguement.
Mmmmmmm....... Im super picky about food brands. I can't do bargain food. William often gawks at the things I buy because of the prices, but this is the one thing upon which I will not skimp.
Me too! I can't stand generic. It may be cheap, but cheap in my experience equals trashy. I'd rather pay $4 for my name brand Mini-Wheats AND GET ASSURED QUALITY than pay a dollar for the generic horrible stuff.
I'm very quiet around people I don't know. People have sometimes assumed that I was conceited or something, but I just don't feel comfortable around people until I've known them a while--and once I do, I let my nutty/nerdy/silly self show and scare them away.
People assume that I'm snobby based on the town I come from. I live on the northern, reputedly more 'hoity toity' side of the capital, and I dont have to say anything or even have to meet certain people for them to decide that I'm obviously an obnoxious, spoiled, bratty teenager. In reality, I can think of only one snobby (and therefore guilty) trait I really have. For books that I really care about, I have to have my own copy of it. I go to the library often to borrow school-related material and books that I'm not particularly interested in, but for the books I really care about, I usually make little notes and bend pages and highlight passages. Sometimes I have two copies of the same book for this reason (because the previous copy was too mutilated by my note-taking habits), and I feel guilty about "wasting" my money and snobby for "needing" my own copy, but it's just my thing.
Same here. I have to feel someone out before I'll really talk or act like myself around them, and lots of people think I'm b*tchy because of it. I know I have other habits that make me feel really snobby, but I'm drawing a blank right now... I don't like going to the bathroom places other than my house. Out in public, not a big deal because lots of people don't like using public restrooms, but when I'm at someone's house, it makes me feel like I'm being insulting, like their bathroom just isn't clean enough for me.
i don't let my friends eat in my car, only sweets and chocolate bars at an absolute push if we are on a long journey and they take their wrappers with them. only bottled drinks as well. absolutely no cans. i also have way too strong opinions on how people raise their children and let them behave when it is absolutely none of their business, and i know i would hate it if people did it to me. i go into supernanny and nanny 911 mode. i find myself thinking "if he was my child ...". but in my defense, a lot of children these days behave horrendously, too many parents have no discipline and let their kids run riot. i don't know why i do this though because i'm only 22, i don't have any children, and i definitely don't plan to anytime soon.
I do the exact same thing. I wish I could find a man who could put up with me. At dinner yesterday, I was telling my cousin how I met six medical students at a barbeque on Monday, and that I have to convince them that I'm worth their time. He thinks it would be easy. But he's used to me. He's known me since I was born, which was only a few months after he was.
Ditto Marina and Rei ^ I'm the most confident person ever around my friends, (some) family and BF. But around new people I can be quiet as a mouse, hah. I feel very exposed if I don't know someone that well.
I'm exactly the same way. If I love a book, eventually I will buy it. I just don't want to recheck and recheck-out Wuthering Heights. Which is why I have my own brand new copy. In my opinion it's definitely not a waste of money to get a book and be done with it and be able to read it whenever than to keep checking it out.
Sheesh you had to do this? Now everyone'll know how bad I am. lol. -Uh, opposing Marina, Hidden, Rei and Ashleigh, I'm a bit too friendly, so much so that people often feel overwhelmed(in the bad sense) around me. -Once I get started, I don't shut up. I have the tendency of monopolising the conversation W/O knowing it. -I wear ONLY branded clothes. Right down to the not-meant-to-be-seens. Doesn't matter that no on can tell I'm wearing them. -I CANNOT shop when there's a sale. Makes me feel snobbish, but I absolutely cannot stand sales. No matter it's my favourite/or the most expensive brand in town. I can't shop at sales. -I b**tch. I b**tch at your face or I behind your backs. Preferably at your face, but if you refuse to listen to it, I'll do it anyways.Your choice how you want it(Not at anyone here). These were just 5. I'm sure, that's all you want to know, so I'll shut up.
I refuse to buy or read or even keep used books. I can check them out from the library, but the books from someone else or from a rummage sale.....NO. I don't know why. Maybe it's because of all my bad experiences with them. My great-grandma, who only knows I like reading and thus gets me whatever book catches her eye, will get cheap-o books from rummage sales that are old, dusty and horribly boring stories that I wonder how they ever got published. So I will give them away to the Goodwill. Someone else could use em.
I've actually found that used books are better because they hold together better, physically that is. How many times have you had a new harry potter or wheel of time book fall apart on you after two readings? I hate publishers that make best-selling books with cheapo bindings.