Well, my favourite holiday is coming up soon, All Hallow's Eve. Instead of the wimpy sounds of bubbles and cheesy screams, I want something that will make people afraid to ring my doorbell, even if I don't decorate. Some people have suggested that use of background music from Horror games like Fatal Frame and Silent Hill (as you can tell from my current signature I've already got one haunting melody from Silent Hill stuck in my head. Since I know I'm probably going to change it: Spoiler A letter to my future self, "Am I still happy?" I began. "Have I grown up pretty, is daddy still a good man? Am I still friends with Colleen? I sure that I'm still laughing... Aren't I... Aren't I...?" "Hey there... to my future-self, if you forget how to smile... I have this to tell you... remember it once in a while. Ten years ago your past self... prayed for your happiness." You ever get a really creepy song stuck in your head? what suggestions do you guys have? Mixing together a little Akira Yamaoka with that piano thing from Halloween and the ka-ka-ka-ching-ching-ching thing from Friday the 13th is good for a start, but I'm sure there's better. I am thinking of making my own music in FL Studio around them, but a little more references would be nice. Fur Elise is also going in there, I don't care what anyone says, you play that song right and it's haunting, not lovely. Well, hauntingly lovely. Moonlight Sonata as well. Halloween's my birthday by the way, need some creepy music to go along with it.
I always found ET's voice really freaky. but a lot of people associate ET with good childhood memories so I don't think that will be your best option. Maybe some chucky doll music???(no idea what I am talking about) or jaws movie music. dun nun, dun nun, dunnundnunnundnun, OR the music that is made when a knife is going at the girl.....in the shower??? Never mind. I tried. sorry
The theme from the movie Halloween scares the crap out of me. And the theme from Friday the 13th, I dunno why but those weird whispering sounds give me the creeps
ooooh what about freddy kruger...wasnt there one creepy song that children sang going "one...two....buckle my shoe.....can't remember the rest but it was scarey. I am obviously not very good at this haha
One Two freddy is comeing for you....... Hanson or Britney spears will prbably scare tha little kiddies sensless. Or insane, Whichever!
Janis Joplin scares the hell outta me. If you want people to be too petrified to knock on your door or ring the doorbell, I suggest opening all f your windows, putting on a Janis album and cranking it up as loud as it will go. That womans voice is enough to make a grown man cry
Well, my idea of scary is much different than anyone else's. Personally, I'd just go out, buy a few death metal CD's, and have that playing. But I'm sure that's gonna get you in trouble with parents, so scratch that.
^ Agreed. Thrashcore/Blackmetal/Metal Cd's will scare children, especially if the volume is turned up loud. I'd probably only suggest the eerie, deranged, 'i'm coming for you children' sort of voices for adults, most children, especially if they're young won't understand that stuff and therefore not idenify it as strange and 'creepy'.
im sure if you look on the net theres bound to be some sort of halloween cd.either soundtracks to halloween movies or cartoons.