In Larry Niven's Ringworld series (part of the Known Space Universe), one of the main players is a groovy Ringworld gal named Halrloprillalar Hotrufan. In one of the books there is another Ringworlder who has an equally preposterous name which is something to the tune of Karawesksenjojak. I know that's spelled wrong and I'm hoping some Niven fan can help me get it right. I can't find it on the web at all so I must be butchering the spelling something serious. Any help?
Thanks, mon ami, but no. :redface: The Kdatlyno are a race in the Known Universe. The crazy name I'm trying to rectify belongs to an individual, one of the Ringworlders.
I think the character is from The Ringworld Engineers, but I don't have a copy handy. I'm thinking a young male of the River People, but I'm not sure. Louis may have exposed him to Tree of Life to turn him into a Pak. But it has been a long time since I read it.
Yes, yes, yes!! There's a part where Prill is talking to Luis and the conversation has to do with her wanting to have a baby and Luis says that Karawesk-blah-blah-blah is too young and Prill points out that no, he's not, it's Luis's cultural prejudices showing.
Woo-hoo! I found it. It wasn't in Engineers, it was in Throne! And strangely enough, I was off by only one letter. Kawaresksenjajok and Harkabeeparolyn. Edit ~ Never mind. I was off by a few letters. LOL
Ah, right. Told you it had been a while. I found Ringworld Engineers and Ringworld Throne rather disappointing. I wore out my first copy of the original Ringworld, though. Harloprillarlar Hotrufan was the former ship's whore the crew of the first Ringworld expedition rescued from the speed trap prison.
Yup. And I was wrong about that conversation with Luis. It was Harkabeeparolyn who had that conversation with him. It was when I remembered her name that I found Kawaresksenjajok.
Well, these are all older novels. Many of them are novelettes by today's 500+ page standards. They are very worth a read. They all stand alone, but Niven is clever in referencing the other stories. They all tie in to one another.