H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y, H E A T H E R ! ! ! (It's a Roller Derby cake!!!!!!) And here is your gift from all of us here at WF. Happy 24th 25th Birthday, Heather!
You....you stole my thread!!!!! *bursts out in tears* Sniff. Ah well. Soul Sister, I hope you have the most awesome birthday ever, and Joel better spoils you a lot or I'll be very upset! You're an amazing person and I'm very happy to call you my soul sister, but you're just extremely nice to everyone. Hopefully someday I can celebrate it over there with you!!! (I promise I'll make cupcakes then)
Happy Effing Birthday! (Also, HA! I'm a little bit older than you!) Edit: Well, apparently you're not actually 24. I guess this means that you're older than me. So I guess I can say HA! I'm a little younger than you?
Well, I mean, you know. I am of the opinion that your nineteenth year didn't actually exist. Conspiracy! (Silly WF.org. It was 2 in the AM and apparently you were still 24 two hours after your birthday began. **skulks into corner and licks wounds...**)
Thanks, everyone! Merc, maybe it was because of the time difference, so it didn't update until it was 12 AM my time? Whatever the reason, it really did make me smile. Joel has already started calling me "quarter" and making fun of me for being old, so it was nice being 24 again for a while. Rob, you can definitely say ha, you're a little bit younger than me. I would trade with you if I could, but Joel is younger than you, so he would still harass me, so...sigh. And Soul Sister, I can't wait for cupcakes!! That will be the best birthday ever. Edit: Oh, oh! A former coworker of mine sketched this tattoo for me from and idea I'd had for a while, and I was stoked to get it, but Joel wanted me to wait until after our wedding, and then he just kept pushing it back, and finally he was like "I just don't want you to get it." Buuuuuuuuut one of my birthday presents is that I get to go and get it! Yaaaaaaay! Happy.
Thanks, Taylee. I've done nothing but relax so far, and it's lovely. Difficult, and I have to keep talking myself out of doing things, but lovely nonetheless.
I thought someone had created another birthday thread for Heather, but I guess that was a thread about prostitution.