Hrm. That looks odd enough. Yay. Turned 17. Can't wait until next year I get to vote. Anyways. Rofl. Gonna be gone all day. Have a busy day ahead of me. I'll be back on by Saturday, in which I have to babysit once again Kinda pissed about that.
Happy Birthday Sunshinee!!! have a good day, and, only one year till you can legally drink. that's a good excuse for a party if ever i heard one.
Actually Heather, drinking age in the US is 21, not 18 like in Britain. Although, on the bright side, not much more than a year until I can legally drink
Aw, thank you lovelies So far, I've gotten 3 cd's that I've wanted, a bike and a graphic tablet. Then when I finally get the names of those books I want... those books I want.
Happy Birthday Bick. My friend's birthday was today too. So now I have no excuse to forget both yours and hers!
Well the big day is coming to an end, so i hope it was just dandy! Be sure to tell us about all the super things that happened and all the swell goodies you got! Oooh i just love birthdays!
her big day is over already? How long did I sleep for? aye aye aye time differences... HAPPY BIRTHDAY BICK!!!! enjoy your day!!!
ROFL, Thank you lovely -huggles you all- I will for sure tell you about it. It was the coolest birthday gift ever. First, I will tell you what I got. I got an autographed shirt from my favorite Radio Personality and he hugged me. That's the least of what happened but that will go with what happened today. I also got 3 CD's and a pound of smoked bacon. ROFL. Bacon seems weird huh? I asked for it, not a pound but thats what he gave me He makes some kiss ass smoked bacon and yeah. So we got up around 4am, left by 4:30. We got to the Fair around 6am. We walked to where we were suppose to be, got our shirts that would render all rides free. I then met my favorite radio personality and he signed my shirt. My mother blurted out that it was my birthday, so he signed it to the birthday girl. Then when he got on the air, he had the entire group of people sing me happy birthday. He was rather funny about it. So basically I was on the radio. ROFL. So was my mum for some contest. She didn't win, but she was on it. We went on rides there, followed him around. Went to see the animals. They had market animals there. Giant pigs that were so beautiful, but we all know what they would become. Then there were beautiful cows, some market some dairy. I left there real fast. I can't handle that kind of thing. We left around 9. Tired as can be. Since we had gotten to bed around 1am last night. Then we head to the art museum. I enjoy the first floor, there was some Monet! I stayed there for quite a while and tried to memorize it. I adore Monet, that was heaven for me. Then I went to the lower floor and I ran into the mummy and aztec and w/e art. Scary masks, and dark halls don't mix. Freaked me out, so I ran up to the top floor. In which I ran into modern art. I hate modern art... so soon after that we met my mum on the first floor and ran into a very... ionno how to explain it. I didn't see it until I turned the corner to the restroom. My first reaction "Oh my." It was a halocaust piece. Glass and steal :/ Was rather scary, I thought it was broken at first. It was beautiful in it's own way but it just scared me. I'm wierd like that when it comes to art I really react to it. So we went to lunch after that and I noticed my mum wasn't doing so well, since she had worked 10 hours the night before and was already tired before we left that morning. So I told her we could end my day there, and wala. Here I am.
Well, gee. I dont know if I can compete against Cogito up there... But happy birthday! Your birthday sounds uber-cool. I'm jealous. Mine wont be nearly as cool, and I'm turning the big one-six. JEALOUS! Anyways. Have a faboo 17th birthday!
Sorry I couldn't say happy birthday earlier! I had to lug my computer back to my mum's house and I havn't been able to jump on for a few days. But I really hope you had a great day! *Huggles!*
Ok well I know that this is late sweetie, but I wasn't around when this thread was made so I thought I should say HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!! I feel terrible that I missed it actually. Sorry! Big hugs and hope you had an awesome day!