Not getting enough time to actually sit down and do it. I'm always too busy doing other things like being on here (cleaning the house and looking after two children doesn't help either) and helping family and friends (not that I mind).
Yeah that about sums it up for me too, also getting writers block doesn't help much... I would say that is what I hate the most, writers block...sends you insane.. ~Torana
My lack of concentration doesn't help. Although, I believe I've created a plot that is close to me and I'm determined to finish it.
I have to agree with Sayso - between house work, raising 3 kids, and full time job..oh can't forget spending time with husband. It's sometimes hard to find the peace and quiet I need to actually sit down and get serious about my writing.
i hate it when i am not in the mood to write but i really want to. for me to write i have to be in a certain mood (normally sad) and if i try to write when i am not in that mood (sad) then i end up sitting and watching the computer screen. and then, when i have no access to a computer, i suddenly feel sad and want to write. lol. it is sooo annoying. Heather
I've got to admit, if it wasn't for a bit of writers block last year, I wouldn't have dipped into poetry. Now I spend more time writing poems than I do stories. My husband isn't too keen on me being sat up in bed writing when he wants the light turned out!
What frustrates me the most is the amount of sheer physical labor it takes to get the words onto the page. The vast numbers of keystrokes of pencil scratches it takes to get the stuff in my head to be stuff in the file; and the hours that disappear while I'm trying to pour my brain out through my fingers. But I can't say that I *hate* it: I don't really hate anything about writing. (Except losing a file. That I hate.) - Ev the (mostly) affable
My lack of determination, and how whenever I am really positively itching to write, I'm away from my computer, where I keep all my stories.
What do you hate most about writing? nada/niente/nothing!... it's as natural to me as breathing, so what's to hate?
I don't HATE anything about writing. But I don't like it when I know the story line but can't find a good way to write it out in words. You know what I mean? :redface:
The actual writing part. If I could just put my thoughts onto the paper it would be so much easier. Must get back to working on my mind-paper machine.
Where do I send my order to? Can you also design a censorship device too? My mind can be filthy sometimes, it's embarrassing!
People always say they wish they could read the minds of teenagers. Trust me, you don't. It's sex every five seconds.
I don't actually hate anything about writing... my hates are more to do with not writing. Writer's block, not having the time etc
Just something that has me curious, but what is your biggest writing flaw? We all have something that we aren't that good at with our writing. So what is it with writing of any kind that is your biggest down fall? For me I find it really easy to come up with ideas, but I find it hard to write them out. I have a million different ideas and so forth running through my mind all the time, but when I sit down to write them out, it simply doesn't work out the way I would hope and so I scrap the idea altogether. Also my grammar, sentence and paragraph structure really is shocking. So what are your biggest flaws with your writing?
I use some words like 'and', 'so', 'thus', and similar words too much. But my biggest problem is I go bleak when I write. I'm not very good with being cheerful, so my stories generally go from being mildly depressing to 'Oh God, make the suffering stop already, you sadistic person!" fairly rapidly. With the occasional light being the flamethrower at the end of the tunnel, and a train about to hit the character from behind.
I don't write often enough. My grammar could be way better, though it has gotten (is that even a word?) better over the past couple of years. I think mostly, though, I run out of ideas, and don't write nearly enough as I should. I write when the time "feels" right and not for the sake of writing.
I'm hopeless in third person perspective. I just can't write like that, so everything I do is in first person, which is better also as I love writing about someone's downward spiral into insanity.
I over glorify. I try too hard to make everything seem really pivotal, even when it isn't. I try to make everything pretty. Also, I repeat adjectives a lot if I'm feeling frustrated, or if I find an adjective that feels right.
My grammar and punctuation will always need room for improvement (though I'm not very pedantic about it because editing can always make things perfect) but story plots are the main area of concern. I have very often failed to write decent pieces of writing because of it. I either used to write mindless stories or over complicate scenes by excessively describing them.
I can't "dumb it down" for the caliber of lower-level readers who make up the bulk of the reading population. This is not a criticism, newspapers and most magazines are not secretive about the fact that they are written for an 8th grade level. I write "too fast" for some people to read. I actually don't want to dumb it down. Most people who read my writing say it is clear, but I end up with massive criticism from the overly loud segment who is still on the Dick-and-jane level.