Anyone here "digging" Haruki Murakami? I have read "Norwegian Wood", "South of the Border, West of the Sun" and short story collection "The Elephant Vanishes". I have in my plans to read Kafka on the Shore and Sputnik Sweetheart , too. I would even say that Norwegian Wood is one of my favourite books of all time.
Murakami is a very, very good writer. Actually, he's a great writer. One of the best living novelists if you ask me. So yeah, I'm "digging" Murakami as well.
I love the guy. I've been thinking of changing my MA dissertation project to be about him. Norwegian Wood, Kafka on the Shore, Wild Sheep Chase and 1Q84 are my favourites.
I started Norwegian Wood but for some reason loathed it. I don't know what was wrong exactly, but I couldn't get past the first ten pages before I had to put the whole thing down. I've read in a few places since then that he isn't considered the best Line by Line writer. I guess his strength is supposed to be in the overall story/message? Well, who knows. Guess I'll have to try it again later, maybe with a different book.