read The Bishop by Anton Chekhov? I read it and it did not make sense to me cause the guy dies at the end of the story?? Didn't get it? What was up with that? Kinda boring too..I thought it would have a better ending. Oh well, so much for that.
I read one of his short story collections, but since I don't remember most of the stories in detail, I'm not sure if I read "The Bishop" or not. But I think short story writers like Chekhov, Mansfield, and Joyce are acquired tastes. If you haven't already, you should read more of Chekhov and see if you like his other stories.
You had me up until James Joyce. Of everyone I've met who has read them, I've only met a small number who has not liked his short stories. The Dead seems to be a particular favourite, and indeed is my favourite story by Joyce too.
I'm really not a fan. Eveline is alright but not spectacular. He comes off as a bit of a prick who hates his nation, to me.
Joyce seems to be one of those writers who students like only if he's taught well in class. Some people I know who read Joyce on their own ended up hating him. Besides, his approach to short story writing is similar to that of Chekhov. I don't think he hated Ireland. He just imagined it as having the potential to become a greater nation.
Sorry, it took so long to respond..I got side tracked. I think his (Chekhov) other stories are a bit better so I will continue reading as much as I can.