For example, if you love space, when you look through a telescope do you run through the house at breakneck speed to show everyone what you've seen? Shouting things like, "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod its the coolest thing in the world never seen anything cooler love it.", and other dribble, even though the thing you're looking at, whatever it is, is something you've seen a million times before.. and it has this effect on you every time? That was sort of a long-winded example, but I think it makes sense. If it doesn't, tell me. I get this way with music. So far, I don't know of anything else that does it. But, I do all the things mentioned above, when hearing a song. And because of that, I'm going to show you this song that I'm feeling that way about right now. ( Even though I've heard it a million times before. ) -- So, do you have anything that makes you like this?
Oh I'm a child at heart. I love space, robots, cowboys, firemen, and have sinking feeling girls carry horrible diseases...
Oh yeah I get this with music like yourself. I also get it with conspiracies, mysterious creatures (i.e. Bigfoot) and other paranormal events. The song you linked to is very epic, and I'm so glad you introduced it to me. Just yesterday I got a similar feeling, but it was because I heard a song for the first time. I've been waiting ages for the new My Morning Jacket album and heard one of their songs and now I'm extremely excited for June 10. - it's not epic, but I find it amazing. - emotional, amazing - you may like it (not great video quality).
Wow, Ghost Love Score is seriously a life-changing song. Easily in my Top 20. If you know any other songs similarly epic please tell me.
Nope, unfortunately I was born 20 years old. My first words were "yes boss, right away." and my goal is to be sufficiently adequate in my selected field of work... Well, sometimes it feels that way. However I do sometimes do something or make something or listen to a song or see a movie that makes me feel, as you say, "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod its the coolest thing in the world never seen anything cooler love it!" Especially with respect to making things. I generally suck at it, but when I do end up making something cool, like a skid-steer, mechanically programmable robot (yeah I made one when I was 16), or my recent sucess with making a weighted companion cube (made of steel!) I get that feeling. Same thing with really big stuff. Oil tankers, dams, rockets, ect. They all seem to fascinate me the same way they did when I was a kid.
Absolutely! I am entranced by rainbows, beautiful sunrises and sunsets, the thundering rhythm of the surf, and the cold gleam of the stars against the profound blackness of space on a clear night. I get down on the ground to stare at a newly sprouted plant, translucently green and still wearing it's seed husk like a hat. I sit cross-legged in front of a nest of baby garter snakes as they curiously investigate me. I giggle as I blow a stream of iridescent soap bubbles from a mountain top and watch them whirl away in the breeze. I breathe deep and close my eyes to smell the mingled scents of fertile soil and spring lilacs in April. What was the question again...?
The first song is nothing like what I normally listen to. It was kind of odd, but not bad. Just not my taste. The second is one I've heard before. I like it a lot. Emotional solo . As for other epic songs, anything by that band, pretty much. Here are some I like.. Plus, anything off the new album. ( Best they've made so far, I think. )
I definitely get like this. Not over big things either... Over simple things that I find interesting. I get very excited and start asking loads of questions about it to learn as much as I can. xD I often think to myself out loud like children do as well. I have been told by others that I have a Peter Pan complex. xD
sure they do... and you know who they got them from, don't you? as for the question, approaching my 70th birthday, i can honestly say i've never lost my child-like sense of awe and wonder at the marvels this planet and life have to offer... but i don't necessarily act like a child, the many times a day i'll be so affected... right now, for instance, i'm enthralled with the birds' cheeping chorus outside my window, over the crumbs i set out for them from my breakfast buns... and i'll often stop work to watch a pretty cloud, or to take a few good whiffs of a plumeria scent that wafts its way through my open window... or to follow the passage of a group of happy schoolkids across my front yard...
Yep. Other Girls! Cooties are like the common cold. It only takes one breath/handshake/hug/cough et cetra. Its why I get cootie shots regularly .
oh this thread makes me blush, im like that about video games. whoa do i love those things i will run half a mile at full bore down the street to my friends house to tell him about the game i just got. even when i dont have a game to talk about i often like to run full bore down the street and scream
Never have lost it and don't plan to in the future. When little ones are around watch the delight they get from watching an ant carry something so much bigger than itself. Or a robin pulling a worm out of the ground. Then stop and really look at the same thing and think what a marvellous thing this world is. You should never see me when we are out in the bush. You would think I was totally insane or childish. I get excited seeing a squirrel sitting in a tree chittering at us because we are in his territory. Or a 2000 lb moose standing in the middle of the trail just staring at us. Even better is when you are in a canoe and you see the moose eating from the bottom of the swamp then lifting his wet head out of the water and calmly chew the grass he has in his mouth while watching you. Man made things rarely impress me but nature brings out all the wonder and amazement of the inner child in me.
lessa I think I would even get like that over a moose to be honest. I tend to get over excited when I see animals or plants I've never before seen in person. Nature is wonderful. One thing that gets me all excited and on the phone to everyone I know is my kids. Every time they learn something new, or pass a new milestone on the list, I ring and text everyone to let them know. I can't help being a proud mommy though. Kids are amazing
Hehe, I love those childish feelings that seem to overwhelm you that almost make you feel dumb but you don't care. When I heard George Romero was coming out with another "Dead" film this October I flipped.
Cogito, you ever considered taking up writing? That was a great read. What gets me all excited? Thunderstorms. I get all tingly just at the thought of them.
When I find out about a new expansion pack is being released.... a new CD from my fav band..... a cool movie.. and still going ewwww over things. Like touching a pregnant womans belly. Which is so gross but facinating. It's so wierd...
hmmmm for me it is laying in a huge field of newly grown hay...closing my eyes and just listening. <----- havent done that since I was little. Either that or walking along the beach in the early morning sipping warm coffee. -which I do often enough. or!!! laying on a huge hot rock and letting the sun warm my back and put me to sleep.......I do that every summer and crave that feeling right now. But I am not sure how excited these things make me, but they sure comfort me, and make me wonder how much better life can get.
You obviously have not heard anything from their album "Once." Ghost Love Score more specifically. Tuomas is easily one of the greatest composer's of this century. As you can see, I get like this about music. When I first heard "Ghost Love Score" I literally ran around screaming "This is the best symphonic rock song I have ever heard" I also get that way about technological breakthroughs, and incredibly well written comics, books, and games. Such as Questionable Content, Ender's Game, and Call of Duty 4
I've hear GLS. I found myself a nice video on youtube and saved it under my favs for future reference. I just really like End of All Hope.