My goal in being apart of this forum is primarily make friends with others that love writting and going on the magical adventures we often find ourselves mentallysoaring through. My secondary desire for this forum is to talk to others about their stories and to talk about mine as well. I hope to help others as they help myself. I thoroughly look forward to meeting many of you and talking about our deepest love.
On a winter evening, I love a full-bodied porter, summertime a light ale, or, if the music is good, an IPA. A bottle of homebrewed amber ale, though, beats anything from the pub.
Haha, When I drink alcohol I tend to drink fruity drinks. I used to drink only hard liquor by itself without chasers but then decided that I didn't need to fit within anyone's parameters. So, now I have almost a whole 1/5 of bacardi gold sitting in my freezer (only liquor that I decently like the taste of) and generally just drink non-alcoholic drinks. For some reason the taste of alcohol makes me dislike the drink. My main pleasure is spending time writting or researching (lately for my novel) on 3 main stories that I am working on. Is there a better word than stories? I feel that there is but oye, my mind is drawing a blank.
When the writing is going well, there's nothing like it. Once upon a time, I lived in Puerto Rico. We drank some rum in those days. At $1.05/quart, how could we not? Never developed a great taste for hard liquors, fortunately. I do like beer, but do not drink much of late, to be truthful. Stories is fine. WIP. Novel. When the voices say write, one must obey.
Sci/fi // fantasy. Novels. Usually involving time travel of some sort. Sasquatches and ravens make frequent appearances. And you?
I have a blog that I am using as an episode style format of writting. Essentially my blog is like a tv show you would watch and my stories for novels are like movies you would watch. My blog's story is about a street racer. As an actual street racer I often found myself, in my mustang and resenting the fast and furious franchise because street racing is nothing like the movie. Sure there are radical cars, fighting, girls, crazy stunts, but jumping from bhilding to building? Come on. Haha So I decided to write a story that would only have things in it that actually can and do happen. My novel is a mixture of medieval fantasy, and action horror. Essentially mix LOR with the underworld series. My novel is definitely taking the longest to produce seeing as I began it many years ago and only recently did I decide to revisit it. Upon revisiting it I decided that yes, it needed to be edited. That's what I have done for the last 6mo, now I am doing indepth research so as to capture every part of both genres as I can. Eventually I will visit another story that has been on my mind ever since I learned about WW2, though this will definitely need some research because I want it to be as period correct as possible. And finally the one that I was thinking about making a blog but couldn't if Id rather make it a novel. That is a horror story that is from a night terror I had about a year ago. Thing is, I'll need to be in a well lit room to write this one and my son and wife will need to call my name before touching me when I am writting it. Haha