Hello Everyone I'm new to this site and new to writing in general. After browsing around for a few days I can tell this is a great place for writers to exchange viewpoints. As for me....I've been a man of sciences for most of my life (mathematics,physics,chess etc). No one was more surprised than me when I got bit by the writing bug just 2 months ago (although I've been reading fiction for years now.) So that's me in a nutshell...again Hello!
Hi Cerebral, welcome to the group! You never know when the writing bug is going to hit. It hit me at eight but I didn't really get going until I was fourteen.
Hehe Thanks peachalulu. eight huh? I wish I had started that early lol.But I guess it's never too late lol.
Welcome to the forum. I was always a storyteller at heart, but was horse-whipped (not literally) into more scientific pursuits as I grew up. Last year I took the plunge into a more creative career path, leaving a job that was devoid of happiness. And even though it's proving a challenge, and I have fallen into borderline poverty, I at least feel as though I can breathe. Hope to see you around!
Welcome to the forum. So you are a person of many talents! That's awesome. Here's our New Member Quick Start Guide to get you started. Have fun! -Kat
Thank you all for the warm welcome!And thank you KaTrian for the New Member giude. I know how you feel.I've shunned a career in Math for that same reason,content on working on the odd job and letting my degree collect dust in the process.I just couln't picture myself working in some cubicle, pretending to be working but instead playing solitaire,or something to that effect. Don't get me wrong,Math is a fascinating subject itself,but the career prospects were less than appealing to me.
That's my reality in a few days too.....good to be amongst friends. Funny how we get to the stage of following our literary artistic dreams when realising that it is this which defines us. Welcome CerebralAssassin!