Hi there! I discovered this forum after many researches. Indeed, I really wanted to find a forum where I could post my writes because I want to improve my English. And my dream is to come in UK to live and work. Yes, I'm not an English speaker: I'm French. But unfortunately, I think I was born in the wrong country. I have fallen in love with English culture, language and so on. And more I discover about this, more I want to go in UK! So, I'm here to improve my English and to discover more about English literary culture. I hope I'll be able to post a short story that I wrote a few time ago for my French lesson (so it will be a translation...). I hope it will be appreciated! In music, I like Alestorm, DragonForce, Rhapsody of Fire and Metal in general (but something where there is music and not voices which scream like animals) and I really like Celtic music. So this is it. I think I've no more to say about me :$ See you later! PS: Sorry for my mistakes! Do not hesitate to correct me!
Hello Relegan, and welcome to the forum. Please check out our New Member Guide for starters. This forum is certainly a good place for both improving your English and learning more about writing. The requirements for posting your own work for critique can be found in the guide. English isn't my first language either, so I know where you're coming from. Incidentally, I've been studying French for a couple of years now . I think it helps with my writing to know more than one language, actually, as funny as that may sound. Anyway, have fun and see you around! -Kat
Thank you! Indeed, I think it's useful to know more than the own native language, just for the culture and so on. But if I want to be bilingual in English/French it's because I want to be writer in English. So I have to improve myself... and faster!