Yeah well hi there...yes I am blonde. Anywho...I'm a poet and i've been writing for around twelve or thirteen years now. I dabble in novel writing, at creating the characters anyway, not good at actually writing the novels. Well i was told about this site, told it's pretty good. Well i look forward to meeting ya all anyways. Chat ya soon.
Welcome and its nice to have a fellow novel writer here! We seem to have massed a large population of poets heh so its nice to have someone else who writes novel length stuff around! Hope you enjoy the site!
Yes well if I learn any neat tricks like yours then you'll be the first to know. Thanks everyone for the welcomes
Max, please don't keep on posting the same thing again, reguardless of whether through quotes. Thanks If you don't have anything nice to say, it's better not to say anything at all Also welcome to forums, hope you like it here!
my apolgies, I misinterpreted. to NewGuy, don't quote just for the sake of it. If you are quoting something, have something constructive in it, otherwise it is a useless post. Sorry to Max
Yah, reeeeeeeeeeet! You're not a fake spamming profile now are you!!! Fuckhead! Anyone reading this: DON'T PM shahzadmasih. I've seen this shite a thousand times to know your e-mail address will be inundated with spam mail to the dying of your days!