1. Emily Logan

    Emily Logan New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    MI, USA

    Hello From Far Away

    Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Emily Logan, Jul 2, 2014.

    Once upon a time, in a kingdom called Far Away, there lived a young girl who was tormented by her peers. She had difficulties learning, for what reason no one knew. Gradually, over the space of a school year, this girl learned to read. She began escaping more and more into the world of fantasy. She read every thing she could get her hands on.

    The more she read, the more she found the books lacking. Every time they pointed the "camera" briefly in one direction, they'd snatch it away again. But she wanted to know more about where the camera had been for that all-to-brief a time. These instances grew until stories of her own began to form in her head. Wonderful stories of animals, mythological creatures, and more. Her fingers began to ache until she would write out some of her ideas.

    But, this girl had an enemy called Procrastination. Procrastination was devious. He whispered in her ear things to distract her from her passions in life. Things like playing on the computer and Nintendo games. One day he even threw her a curve ball that put her far off course, even from reading. He called it husband; someone who captured her heart and captivated her attentions. For several years (I've heard tell of 14 years), the girl didn't read more then a handful of books. Her well of imagination began to dry up. Finally she realized what was happening, and she decided to fight against it with all the powers of imagination she had left.

    Hello. My (pen) name is Emily Logan. I have written for NaNo 6 times and won 2. (Oh, the horror! I need to better that score. ;) You can find me under said pen name on NaNo's site.) I have a husband and we own our own home in a rural area. I have 2 cats and a dog and love the water. I feel most inspired in nature and love celtic music. Celtic Woman is currently my favorite group. I'm an Irish proud, H57 American.

    My genre, as you have probably guessed, is fiction. I also like some non-fiction and realistic fiction. Learning is still problematic for me; my strongest area is my imagination. I have never been published, but it would be nice. However, if I'm never noticed, that'll be ok too; because the part I like best is sorting out the story and working my way through the problems involved in writing one. My 2 biggest issues are, first and foremost, butt in chair and, secondly, working what I see in my head into written word.
    peachalulu likes this.
  2. peachalulu

    peachalulu Member Reviewer Contributor

    May 20, 2012
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    occasionally Oz , mainly Canada
    Hi, Emily welcome to the group! Liked your introduction. I've met that evil snake Procrastination too! He lures me with slices of red velvet cake and youtube craft videos - lol.
  3. Emily Logan

    Emily Logan New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    MI, USA
    Ooh! Craft videos... :rolleyes: I love DIY.
  4. Amanda_Geisler

    Amanda_Geisler Senior Member

    Jun 18, 2014
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    I loved you intro, it was great, very creative. It is nice e-meet you, I hope this website helps you get all writing going for you, you definitely have a good writers voice.
    We all succumb to the evilness of procrastination, in fact I do it all the time, usually my procrastination is tv or posting on this website.

    welcome aboard
  5. Emily Logan

    Emily Logan New Member

    Jul 2, 2014
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    MI, USA
    "usually my procrastination is tv OR POSTING ON THIS WEBSITE" ROFL. Well said. You can over read how-to-write materials too. LOL
  6. Amanda_Geisler

    Amanda_Geisler Senior Member

    Jun 18, 2014
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    well in truth I am procrastinating right now... but that's partly because my health in not at 100% capacity at the moment and I always have trouble writing when I'm unwell. I also do that sometimes to, I will read all sorts of different things, I have been doing this for years so I have read a lot of writing things now

  7. KaTrian

    KaTrian A foolish little beast. Contributor

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Welcome to the forum. :) And cool intro!

    Here's the New Member Guide to get you started in case you haven't checked it out yet.

    See you around!

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