Hello. My nickname has been Whiplash since about 1992. I'm 36 and from the United States. I recently came across some fan fiction on the Net and was really enjoying the fantasy escapism of it the other day. I used to love to write... I am trying to find healthy hobbies again as I have suffered from an addiction for many years. Addictions tend to draw a person away from creative or healthy interests. I decided to start plunking my own new story out and sort of started to get addicted to that right away. So I'm hoping to spend some time writing my own fiction as an escapism that enlightens instead of deadens. I like how when you write your own story, it can turn out however you want it to. This seems like a great community so I'm glad to join and hope to enjoy corresponding with you all. - Whip
Hello Whip, and welcome to WF! Here's our New Member Quick Start to get you started in case you haven't taken a look at it yet. Sounds like you've got the right attitude there! Writing is pretty darn addictive, isn't it? Anyway, hope to see you around! -Kat
Welcome to the forum. As an ex-smoker and ex-cannabis smoker I know all about the dangers of addiction. However now you are out of it, you can use the experiances you gained from it in your creativity. Hope you find what you need here.
Hail to thee, oh denizen of the prairie. We've already met elsewhere, you and I, but across this vast plain of grass and buffalo, what are the chances we would meet again? The great open lands hold a certain fascination for me, where one can look up and the sky is so big you could fall up into it. Be it in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, the Big Open is a wonder. Wrey