Hey, im from all the way in England shock, horror and all that, im 13, single, and write mostly fantasy, A/A and sci-fi and read Fantasy as you might know already from my fave books. So hi again, im Randomer, the world is random as is my writing, randomness out...
lol I f*ckin' love this! We Brits are starting to outnumber the Americans here by a factor of 10:1 ! I love it! The Universe will soon be ours (again!) Welcome to WF fellow Brit.
How can Britain rule the Earth if Britain is one country? Or 4 constituent countries... wouldn't it be the British Empire? welcome..
Not really x1000 since it already had 1/4 of the Earth's population back then. I'm in a brainy mood today XD
hey, there are a lot of brits here! anyways, welcome RD... enjoy it here and... dont believe your own signature... it ain't true
I got you all beat. I'm Icelandic, a country with a population of 300,000. And, no, Britain wouldn't rule the earth. First they'd have to attack and defeat a large number of countries, such as America, Germany, Japan, China etc. In that process you'd probobly lose a lot of numbers, but take over the world nontheless. Then us Icelanders would send our rjupu hunters on a plane with a shotguns and rifles and PWN YOUR ASSES! That'd be a nice skytterí
Great Britain doesn't have to rule the world through fighting. I'm sure there's some alternative way that we can conquer. Anyway, welcome.
It will be called: The British Empire II The Wrath of the Cockneys It was a time of unrest for the ruling Brits, that is until the Cockneys were drafted in to confuse the fuck out of the rest of the world with their unique EnglishEnglish that everyone simply decided to surrender for the sake of peace.
Can we be frickin' bothered though? I can just just hear it now the rest of the world shouting, "Oh not you fucking people again!"
Yeah, but Minnesota would be a real threat when they gather up their army of cows and... Lol. Yeah right. Minnesota sucks.