Hello, my name is Kenneth, from Denmark and just wanted to say hello and say how excited I am to join the form ^^ I'm a very new writer, having only written very short fan fiction (mostly only Warhammer 40k related) in the past but have very recently (as in a week or two ago) jumped into writing my very first original novel. I'm mainly interested in dark fantasy and sci-fi, though have also read quite a few historical books, mainly about arms and armour as I've been studying that as a hobby for about 15 years. Other than that I game a lot, mainly simulators and have a youtube channel I enjoy uploading videos of that to. I'm currently a joiner's apprentice and have about 3 years left till I get my "certification" and I also have a small hobby workshop where I spend my weekend, mostly making things out of wood but also working on setting it up to make historical armour reproductions. I guess that's about it, not much else to say...really looking forward to participating on the forum and getting to know you all! Oh...I also have a cat:
Hello! Tried my hand at woodwork a few times and... I nearly lost it a few times Welcome to the forum, and get stuck in!
So did I in the beginning ^^ I still do, which is why I'll proberbly switch my speciality to machine joinery, I have no talent for hand tools, heh. Thank you!
Here's the rules if you haven't seen them already, FAQ: The question was not found.So see you around!
Welcome! I'm a big fan of 40k. used to play a lot when I was a kid. Don't have that much time for it anymore what with all the adult stuff I have to do these days. Look forward to sharing thoughts.
Welcome to the forum, fellow Scandinavian (well, almost. I'm a Finn)! Are you writing a dark fantasy novel now, or...? Oh and here's our New Member Quick Start to get you started. It's got everything you need to know in a nutshell. See you around! -Kat
Yes I just started a few days ago, I'm only about a page into chapter one, had a bit of a slow start ^^