I've lurked for a long time on these forums and have familiarized myself with the rules, so I thought I'd try to introduce myself. So hi, I've desperately wanted to be good at writing but couldn't seem to identify myself with the writing crowd. I'm more of a visual arts person whose attempts at learning French and Chinese ensure I have next to no spare time. Well, I'd like to say I like writing but I'm embarrassed to say I've only written a couple of short stories that disappointed me out of further improvement (instead, I take extensive notes on how to write). Of course, that's something I hope to change. Hello, once again
Hey! It's so nice to meet you! I'm learning Japanese, so we're sort of in the same boat, ahaha. And you're only 14! I'm 13, so it'll be great having someone close to my age! See you on the forums!
Hi, Dragonport, and welcome to the forum! Glad to see you've read the rules already - it would be great if everybody did that. Hope you enjoy this place!
Thanks for the intro, Dragonport. Nice to see members come up into focus, out from the murk and the haze of lurking status.
@Duchess-Yukine-Suoh I've read my fair share of mangas and Japanese culture seems very interesting. The language especially sounds so distinct and pleasant to listen to. Must be fun to learn! I'd learn it too if I weren't occupied as it is. I hope it's not weird for me to write this, but. @minstrel Thanks fellow Canadian (okay well not in location; I just read that from one of your posts somewhere on this forum)! @Wreybies Thank you! You're an interpreter right? That's my dream job, though I realize not very feasible for me. And that you can speak five languages? Wow.
Well Hello! It's a pleasure to meet ya! And at only 14 too? I don't blame you for having written so little. By then I'd written a handful of messy things that no one will never see...ever... Alors, étudiez-vous français? Moi Aussi! Je l'ai étudié pendant 3 ans à l'école secondaire. Maintenant, je prends des cours français à l'université. I've took 3 yearsof french in highschool, but after not using it for 2 years I decided to take it up again in college. Now im in my 102 class ha ha. I doubt I'll ever have the courage to take Chinese though. I'm glad you are familiar with the rules, it really grinds people when we don't follow them ha ha! Best of luck here. Hope to see you writing more. I know how it feels to be busy. I'm taking a fiction writing class and ironically don't have time to actually write. I do soooo much reading.
@Andrae Smith C'est génial! Moi, je suis en train de considèrer étudier le francais dans l'université. Et j'apprends le chinois (mandarin) comme je suis chinois! Après l'immigration quand j'avais cinq ans, je l'ai tout oublié. So I'd be doubly pathetic if I didn't take it up again. And thanks, I do wish to write more and I hope the same for you. It's difficult to make time while dealing with ceaseless homework. The worst part for me is making painful decisions of priority among my hobbies and homework. I wish I could read as much as I used to. Anyway, all good wishes to your studies and creative writing as well! ...Gosh it takes me so long to do a post. This is why I cannot write.
Votre français est très bon! Combien d'années avez-vous étudier? Et c'est une bonne raison pour apprendre le chinois.
Merci, mais pas vraiment! J'ai commencé d'apprendre le français en cinquième année, alors maintenent cinq ans, dans l'école. Le norme en Canada est de commencer en quatrième année, mais il y a un programme d'immersion.
Hello and welcome. I only became a writer 2 years ago. You owe no one any apologies, I'm pretty sure if anyone thinks this is an exclusive club they're wrong. I saw my writing improve rapidly and became convinced if the passion is there, one can usually learn the skills. I don't expect to ever be as good as the people born with the trait, but I'm convinced I can write a decent book. I would imagine if you are willing to try, you can too.
I'm glad to see a new member who is close to my age as well! I was worried I'd be the only non-adult member here. And congrats on learning French; it escapes the realm of possibility for myself.
As a newbie to a fellow newbie, hello! At 14, I was writing a horrible vampire story that was static and plotless. If you want to improve on something, you have to continously do it. Not many people (I'd venture to say pretty much no one) can write one draft and have it be perfect and complete. This something that I struggle with, because it sounds perfect in my brain and I can never quite get the translation from brain to fingers just right. We are our own worst critics. Just how you have to teach your brain a new language, you have to teach it how to write too. If its something that you enjoy doing, then do it. The more you do it, the better you'll get.