Hi there, I'm new to this forum, actually I'm relatively new to foruming of any kind as I only really belong to one other forum and that one's nothing to do with writing. Sorry, I digress, I do that a lot. Right, I'm after some advice about copyright and I'm not sure where to go ... I've already self-published two books so it's not so much the copyright of my work but of someone else's work. Please can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks, x
Hi, Cutecat welcome to the group! I'm not too sure where you'd ask copyright questions - maybe in the publishing section? Maybe just stick with General Writing - there's a good mix in there and I doubt anyone would mind.
Welcome cutecat! We hope once your question is answered that you hang out and get to know us and hang with us writers! (We're an odd lot with black sheep and everything, like every other family!)
Thanks for the welcome, I will stroll over to the publishing section and post my question there, and yes, hopefully I'll hang around too, maybe I will be able to offer something back! x
Welcome to the forum. It seems the welcome wagon was prompt and punctual! Nice to see. Please have a look through the Forum Rules, and the FAQ as a start. Have fun! Wrey
Hi there! I did have a scoot through the rules before I put my first post in but please feel free to tell me if I post in the wrong place, it's inevitable that it will happen, and when I start rambling just tell me to shut up ... Just to tell you a bit more about me, I write under a pseudonym as the first book I wrote is a true story. My second is fiction, romance/erotic (don't all groan at once, I'm not a bandwagon jumper, that story has been brewing in my mind for the last 25 years) and I'm now on my second fiction. I also have a title, very, VERY basic plot and the first four thousand words of a third fiction. Research for a second true life story is under way but has recently hit a stumbling block. But I will get there in the end! Lovely to meet you all. x
There will be no groaning. At least not of the sort to which you refer. The Erotica Subforums were my pet project for I too play in those realms. We've had them for a few months now. I see you already discovered the Erotica Discussion area. The area to post works for critiques is further down the page tucked up under the Short Story category to keep it discrete. Don't let the fact that it's under Short Stories fool you. In that particular subforum you can post short works or excerpts of longer works. You'll find some of my own there.
welcome aboard... anyone wanting to be a writer should first learn the basics of copyright law... in the US that is found here: www.copyright.gov www.uspto.gov in the UK, you'll find it here: http://www.bl.uk/reshelp/atyourdesk/docsupply/help/copyright/
I am familiar with some of it and for the most part, I have no concerns with any of my books where copyright is concerned. It's also something I don't always plan until the idea of where the story is going pops into my head. It's a little bit like research. I research a lot but I don't start researching until I'm at the point where I need to do it. Not that I scrimp on it, what I mean is, I write out of sync so I write as sections come into my mind (or as the characters talk to me) so the first job is to get the story down. Then I go back and edit/rewrite/bounce that section around, sometimes after working on other sections or leaving it alone. That's when I then start to research what happens in that section and change as I need to change so the question of copyright and permissions only came up because as the story unfolded, I found it encompassing certain things that, while they may have not been needed, they certainly helped to define my characters and tell their story.