Hello! I'm new here having stumbled upon this site a little earlier on today. I'm pretty excited about being able to chat to all of you writerly types about the process of bleeding out a story, only to sweat, cry and swear at it (and to have it still not tidy its room!). Hey misery loves company right? Like most of you (I imagine) I love to read (and read widely) but I write SFF fiction because I've spent many years waiting to be abducted and taken on a crazy inter-dimensional journey, and it just doesn't seem like it's going to happen in real life. Anyhow, nice to meet you all, looking forward to hearing your thoughts and ideas about the craft!
Hi Djin, welcome It sounds like your story and mine are in the same phase of life. Only a mother could love the little shi-darlings, eh? Looking forward to your thoughts on a truly satisfying abduction and in the meantime, enjoy the forum! Rach
Hey, Djin! You know, it seems that no one ever gets abducted by aliens or whatever. I mean, it must happen every now and then, mustn't it? Also, while waiting for the next space ship or inter-dimensional portal, have a read in our New Member Quick Start. It will take you through the forum basics. Cheers!
Greetings, I am also a ponderer of potential abduction scenarios, I've seen two legit UFO's in my short time here and this hasn't helped. I will hold them off if you find us a cozy bunker to inhabit with copious bagels and hot chocolate. We will be safe there.