1. scottcolby

    scottcolby New Member

    Sep 18, 2006
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    Boston, MA


    Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by scottcolby, Sep 18, 2006.

    My name's Scott. I'm a 23 year-old IT professional from Massachusetts currently living on the outskirts of Boston. I've been writing ever since I realized it wasn't particularly difficult to sit in the back of a classroom and make it look I was taking detailed notes while actually working on a story instead. I enjoy long walks, a good scotch, and sentences that display the proper usage of the comma.

    I'm here because I'd like to get to know other writers. My friends see me wandering around the apartment, muttering incoherently about whatever project I'm working on at the moment, and they think I'm a complete whackjob. I'd like to talk with people who have some appreciation for those "incoherent mutterings," and I'd like to hear a few from other people.

    I've been published on the web, but as I have yet to see my work on a piece of paper that didn't come out of my own laserjet, I do not consider myself a published author. Being able to walk into a Barnes & Noble and find my name on the shelf is my holy grail. Anyone interested in seeing what I can do can check out my web published work here: http://www.baegtobar.com/tier_2.php?story=32. I highly recommend all the other stories on the site as well, and the art that goes along with all of them is really top notch.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know everybody, and I hope we learn a lot from each other.
  2. Mercury

    Mercury Active Member

    Aug 20, 2006
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    Hi Scott, glad to have you here.

    Ah, isn't that the holy grail for all of us? You never know, bud, maybe one day.

    Look forward to seeing your stuff on here. Nice site, btw.
  3. Verto

    Verto New Member

    Aug 17, 2006
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    Yes Mercury is right, that is the holy grail for all of us. Welcome. :)

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