I'll start off by saying that I'm sixteen (there's a lot of us around here, yeah?) and therefore am quite young. But don't dismiss me for it. I'm a writer like the rest of you, merely working with less experience. I make it up as I go along. In becoming a member here, I'm want to get some of my writing out there for crtiques (whether harsh or otherwise), as well as spread some of my (meager) knowledge to anyone who may find it useful. I'm into anything, depending on the mood. Some days, a short little poem suits me just fine, and others, I'm in for the long haul of a short story. I'll be around. --Inq
Great to have a new personality around- and don't worry, age is never the conclusive indicator to anything. (I am even younger than you!) The community here is made up of generally pleasant (albeit sometimes not completely stable in the mind) individuals. It may take a wait of sorts but critiques do come. Any literary questions you may have, feel free to post it in The Lounge or in the respective help sections. Will be seeing you around.
Hi there Myst covered everything very nicely. So I'll just say hi there, and I hope you enjoy yourself. Cheers.
Hi welcome! You should find all to your liking - see you around the poetry and the stories. Look forward to it.
Welcome to WF as we say around these parts. if you need any help and advice around writing check out the SPAG, Creation, Charactor Develpment and Plot Creation threads. Feel free to post up your work you'll certainly recieve good honest critique here. ~Raven.
Wecome! Hey, don't worry about being so young. It's never to early to start learning the craft of writing!
Hey there! Welcome to the site, i'm sorry that it took me so long to reply and everything I haven't been as active today as I would have liked... Don't worry about your age too much, even though was quite worried when I joined - and i'm sixteen too! Anyways, enjoy your stay and if you have any questions feel free to ask Kit
Hey, Inquire and welcome. I'm sure you'll find the other critics here to be very knowlegable, and sincerely concerned for the quality of writing. This is a great place to share your work, and your insights!