Hello Matt, Welcome to the Writing Forums. If you haven't explored the site yet, You should probably do so soon. Newcomers often gravitate to the Lounge, the Word Games, or the Review Room, but there is much more to be discovered if you poke in the corners. Enjoy your stay here, and have fun!
Welcome! I hope you enjoy yourself, and in need we are all friends indeed so don't feel shy to ask for it.
Hello, and welcome to our forum Matt. I now present you with the finely made "newbie packet!", enjoy. Newbie Packet! You will find the rules to the site here: Writing Forums - Forum Rules When you post a thread, you have to reformat your paragraphs. Also, before posting in 'The Review Room' section, you need at least 2 credits. This equates to reviewing two works (more people get reviews, less people just coming and going). If you'd like to know why we enforce this rule in-depth, visit the following: Purpose of Reviewing In the 'General Writing' section, there are some helpful links in a stickied thread. Though I just gave the link right there. Because most people don't find out about these until later... to the bottom left of every one of your posts is a green light, a balance, and a sign that resembles 'yield'. The first icon just means you're logged on the site. The second is used to give people reputation points (the more posts, the more effective it is -- junior members can't affect anyone). The third reports a post to the admins/moderators (click here for more information). Use the final to prevent problems in the forum. Also, to gain access to altering your profile, go to the very top of any page, and under our little logo of someone writing is a link entitled "UserCP". This will allow you to change your signature (which is featured on every one of your posts), your avatar, as well as many other things like your instant messaging contacts and biography. There is a contest that needs voting on, so go have a look at all of that. We also have smaller, weekly contests for short stories and poetry as well.
Hello and welcome, I'm from the UK too, though I finished my studies a couple of years ago, any questions let me know. See you around the site.
Thanks guys. Gannon...from Manchester.. say, are you named after the manager of a certain Manchester based football club? Or am I making that up...
hello and welcome to the forum. I do hope that you have been having a most wonderful time hhere among all of us and I look forward to seeing you around the board as time goes by. Torana