1. SheWolfSilver

    SheWolfSilver New Member

    Aug 9, 2013
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    Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by SheWolfSilver, Aug 9, 2013.

    My obsession with writing started when I was in grade school. I went on to high school and was encouraged by my English teacher to continue my writing. Several rejection letters later...I'm not so sure she knew what she was talking about! I've been on both ends of the spectrum some telling me they love my writing and others telling me I need a lot of work. I've had life take over and keep me from writing for years until I find my way back again. I have this one novel I've been working on for years and it's loosely based on my life but as much as it's been rejected I should probably trash it and move on but I just can't! Today I was browsing online writing courses in hopes of...I don't know...maybe fixing what is wrong with my writing when I stumbled on this forum. I thought maybe this could be the place that helps accomplish what I've been trying to do all these years. I turned 50 years old this year and the thought crossed my mind that maybe it is just too late and old dogs can't learn new tricks.
    GingerCoffee likes this.
  2. rhduke

    rhduke Member Reviewer

    Mar 15, 2013
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    Welcome to the writing forums. There's definitely lots to learn here. Take the time to check out the newbie faq and rules for posting your own stories.

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