  1. randirockstar

    randirockstar New Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    Help i wanna write an amazing book

    Discussion in 'Plot Development' started by randirockstar, Jul 8, 2008.

    Hi i wanna write a amazing book kids/teens will love to read
    like i wanna write a book like...
    Harry poter
    narnia lion,watch
    things like that i love animals so i wanna like write a book with animals and and stuff but im not sure what to write
    like what makes a good book and idea
    does any one have ideas i can use? i have none lol
    please help:]
  2. Trollhammaren

    Trollhammaren New Member

    Jun 6, 2008
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    Marco Hietala's laundry basket
    I don't think anyone here has the 'key' to the magic ingredient. Truth be told, it all comes from inside.

    And you have made some troubling grammar and spelling errors in your post...
  3. TWErvin2

    TWErvin2 Contributor Contributor

    Nov 30, 2006
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    Ohio, USA

    Welcome to the forum.

    In all seriousness, probably 90% of the individuals on this site want to write a great novel and see it published for others to read and enjoy.

    Ideas are a dime a dozen...(cliche I know but that doesn't make it untrue).

    You'll need to devise a story line using your imagination, and put it to paper (or computer screen). It'll take time and effort and you'll learn as you go. Coming up with an idea will be one of the easier tasks.

    The folks here will support and provide insight and advice based on their experience (as I am sure you will as well as you accumulate it).

    Hang in there and good luck.

  4. Banzai

    Banzai One-time Mod, but on the road to recovery Contributor

    Mar 31, 2007
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    Reading, UK
    Keep it civil please.
  5. TWErvin2

    TWErvin2 Contributor Contributor

    Nov 30, 2006
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    Ohio, USA
    I am thinking that Trollhammeren and I've been quite civil. Please clarify.

  6. Banzai

    Banzai One-time Mod, but on the road to recovery Contributor

    Mar 31, 2007
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    Reading, UK
    You have. My comment was directed at posts by Maia and NaCl which have since been deleted by Cogito. Apologies if I offended you.
  7. CDRW

    CDRW Contributor Contributor

    Apr 16, 2008
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    It's not that hard to come up with ideas. Just go do something hard all day, every day, and you'll find that in the little bit of spare time you have you're daydreams will be spetacular. Then write those down. Or you could try somebody else's way to generate ideas.
  8. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    (Sorry Terry, I was too hasty in my cleanup. I didn't consider how Banzai's note would read out of its original context.)
  9. Sato Ayako

    Sato Ayako New Member

    Jun 22, 2008
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    Judging by your post, I have serious doubts that you'll return to participate in the forums, but I'd like to contribute my thoughts anyway.

    I used to work as a volunteer on a writer's questions board. I received questions like yours all the time. They came from all sorts of people. Everyone wants to write an amazing book, especially like the books they themselves love. It's natural and many a writer has started a career from these "first loves".

    However, the faster you learn that you need to come up with your own ideas the better off you'll be. I believe it was Cogito who said ideas are a dime a dozen. This is true. Better yet, you have a conceit: you want to write a story with talking animals "and stuff". Solidify that idea. What else do you want in the story? What kind of world do these ideas inhabit? Keep asking yourself questions and you'll surely come up with an idea.

    Aim to write well. Write things that you would like to read about and you'll probably find an audience for them. Also, take pride in writing and being a writer. In other words, practice writing wherever you are, even when you're posting to forums like these. I know the internet encourages bad writing, but don't fall victim to it!

    I do hope to see you around the forums. Hang around, chat with us, review a couple of stories, etc.
  10. cargirl86

    cargirl86 New Member

    Jul 5, 2008
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    To Sato Ayako,I realize this is the second time I've quoted you in five minutes, and I apologize for that!

    To the OP, I wanted to add just a bit more insight. Most of what I write is something I would probably never pick up and read myself. Quite honestly, if it's not classic literature or the more vapid "chick lit," I can very rarely bring myself to care as I either need a true challenge or a true easy read.

    But I care about my characters and their lives desperately. I try to write the stories that, while I wouldn't traditionally give the genre a second glance at the book store, would turn my head and grab my attention.

    And also, usually when I start to write, I have a very specific idea of what I want to get across on paper ... and as I get to know my characters and their lives, that completely changes. My advice to you is just write. Just write, and the ideas will come ... probably not right away, but they will come.
  11. tehuti88

    tehuti88 New Member

    May 13, 2008
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    Ditto that you probably won't return to read, but...

    If you can't come up with ideas for writing, you probably won't end up writing anything amazing. Even if somebody here could give you a solid idea for a story, you'd have to come up with all the extra, related ideas that make up the story itself. A plot idea isn't a story, it's just the starting point. You'd have to come up with the rest. Whether it's amazing or not is kind of a moot point, because:

    Instead of deciding that you want to write something amazing, you should first just try writing something, period. Even if it's lousy. If you can't even write a lousy story, you won't be able to write an amazing one.

    Only by writing something, and then writing another something, and then several years' worth of somethings, and then a humongous pile of somethings, can you possibly finally reach a point when you write something amazing. Most people don't just sit down and pop out an amazing story. Most people don't even try to the first time. They have to work their way up to that point, and it takes lots of time and effort.

    And lots of ideas which they have to come up with themselves.

    If you're really interested in writing an amazing story with animals and such, you'll find it in yourself to come up with the ideas and write something. If you're not interested, then you won't care. *shrug*

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