I have the urge to write something but I have no idea for a plot. Can somebody give me some ideas ASAP. Thanks. Dan
Alas, if only it worked like that. We can (or should) give you no instant story prompt solutions. You can, however, try doing something that usually inspires you to write- perhaps taking a walk, a shower, a listen at the radio- and then expand on your idea from there. You could also try googling 'story prompt.' I'm sure you'll get no end of good randomly-generated ideas. (Seriously, there are dozens of sites for that kind of thing.)
Daniel Spears, Can't really help you come up with a specific idea directly, but if you follow this link to my website: ervin-author.com Weird Site Page There you'll find at the bottom of the page (scroll down) a link to a 'random title generator'. Try that a few times and maybe it'll give you a direction or two to try. Good luck. Terry
Unfortunately, no one on here can give you any ideas - you need an idea that's within your ability to write, and which you like and are motivated to write. Only you can come up with that.
Yeah and, personally at least, I wouldn't want to give you a plot because I would want to write it myself! What kind of story are you wanting to write though? Sci Fi, Romance, Fantasy? Are there any life experiences you could draw on? What themes do you want the peice to have- could it be a satire, or an allegory? The other alternative is to take a really overdone plot, and do it yourself, but try and add a twist. Make it your unique veiw on the matter. Just a very breif and rubbish example- how many comedies (usually cartoons) have a plotline where the husband forgets their anniversary? Could you puit a twist on this? How could the story change if it was the wife who forgot the anniversary?- I'm not saying do this because that's a crap example, but that's just a very quick example. Just mess around with the conventions.
It depends on what genre you want to write. Think of something that interests you generally, start reading up on it and at some point I will guarantee that you will come across something that will spark your imagination. When you find yourself asking ' I wonder what would happen if...' - that's usually a clue to start scribbling ideas.
Oh, just saw this - you could do this ^^^ and parody whatever your writing - if you feel confident enough to be satirical and have a good,dry sense of humor
What you are going to write next is usually a very subjective question. It's really hard to give you any ideas when we have no idea what you really are, how you think, what kind of story you want to write, or even what you are good at. Honestly I don't like to sit around and wonder what I'm going to write next. I just don't think about it, and as I go through the day I let the story come to me. Look for the things you like to write about, or what inspires you. But, that's just me. Aside from that, you could always just think up some wacky random thought and base something around it. Which, I'm not sure is any type of advice, but if you're starved for stories, all you really need to do is come up with something first, then build on it.