Would anyone be able to please tell me what the correct verb is in the following situation? Atm, my ms has the MC looking upon something with disgust. However, I can't help feel that there is a single verb that means 'looking with disgust', although I do not know what it is. My reasoning is that it is generally better to avoid using adverbs when a better verb is available. E.g. Writing sprinted instead of running quickly. Am I right to want to find a better verb for looking with disgust, or is it sufficient as is?
Context is important. How are you using the word(s) you want? Or are you thinking of constructing the sentence after you find the right word? Why don't you have a thesaurus...? It amazes me how many of you don't bother to equip yourselves with the tools of your trade. Here: http://thesaurus.com/ it's not really that good but better than nothing.
I didn't see him say that he doesn't? When I start with "look" or "gaze" or "survey", I don't find a word that fulfills the poster's requirements.
repulsed sickened nauseated gagged What tense are you looking for? You'll probably need an auxiliary verb.
your problem is that you're trying to replace 'looking' which is the verb in this case... so your choices are limited to words like: sneering grimacing frowning scowling and such, none of which can really convey 'disgust'...
@Nee Thanks, I do have - and know how to use - a thesaurus, but as GingerCoffee explained: the thesaurus was no help in this case @Gingercoffe Past tense. I was hoping to avoid the auxillary verb, but I guess I won't be able to. Thanks. @ Mamma Thanks, that's what I was thinking, but I wasn't sure.