hi to all,am I correct in the punctuation? 1-Emily formerly,Mrs.Goyette caught Mr.Andless' sleeve.Where no on could see and managed;it briefly but urgently. 2-Joseph,who is Gordon's brother,is a guard on the second string. 3-Dearest,his voice broke;he could say no more. 4-Louis and then,she has it still something near to genius for making importable persons,places,and situations sound attractive. 5-Some of my courses for example:French ,and Biology demand a great deal of work outside the classroom. 6-I know-I said ,but that is not the real bed what happened to it. 7-his second novel published last year;was a great success. 8-outside;the car park was soon full. 9-D.R. Laurence man and myth. 10-John suddenly shouted look out;he was got a gun. 11-they want some time to chill out,after their exams. 12-The London Birmingham Train. 13-if the manger is attending,will she please notify the office? 14-this has caused the great deal of pain,both mental and physical. 15-the company has never in deed;never be profitable. 16-she may have seemed a good prime minister;nevertheless she failed to face the facts. 17-the following items were missing:a credit card,a driving licence and a watch. please I need it today.
I won't correct anything that's homework for YOU to do - especially not if it's some sort of end-of-year test, exam, or finals. Please explain why you need it.
Can I ask you something Lucy? Did you find some of the sentences impossible to understand? I found some of them almost impossible.