hey everyone, i'm a newbie writer and i find myself in need of some advice... i've just written a big action scene but am now stuck on where to go next... any pointer?
That's a pretty wide open request. Is this the only scene you've written? Do you have a story developed? The folks here are pretty helpful but I think they/we need a little more information before we can offer any help.
Sorry :redface: this scene takes place in my 4th chapter, the main character (who is an angel) has just saved a young girl from the demons that are after her... I know that I'm heading towards a big show down between the main character and the 'Devil' but I'm not sure about the events before that... Should I have them on the run? if so just in the normal space of things or should i throw time travel into the mix?? If not on the run just in hiding but with the main character going out to find out why the 'devil' is after her? Hopefully this is more specific xx
it's your story, you need to come up with your own plot... folks here can toss an infinite number of possibilities at you, but if you want to be a writer, you really must be able to generate story ideas yourself... i strongly suggest instead of asking others to do your work for you, that you read the works of the best writers in your genre and see how they put a plot together...
thank you... i wasn't asking anyone to write this for me. i already have most everything planned out i just wanted advice on what would be better on the run or the girl in hiding whislt the main character did some digging. but thankyou for the accusation, it was very helpful, its shown me that perhaps i should look for help from people whom dont judge with out all the facts, assume i haven't done any research and try to put a person down. i shan't trouble you asking for help again.
RavenWriter, Maia's advice is good. If you're going to be a writer, you have to make these decisions for yourself. Which way works better depends largely on which way YOU can develop better. Furthermore, you had better develop a thicker skin, and better manners, before you deal with submissions editors.