Ok so I started writing a story that is not normally what I would write, it takes place in modern day rather than a fantasy era. The story takes place in Warwick, Rhode Island then in Los Angeles, and I have a street in mind where the person lives in Warwick, is it ok to name the street? Or is that taboo? I guess would it be best to assume the street and not name it within the story and just keep the generalisation of Warwick, Rhode Island?
You should know the general areas of Warwick and Los Angeles first, but for details like streets, it's not a massive deal for the most part. Unless it is. It depends on the story. See "Anytown, America". That's a related idea, I think.
Writing about a real place is not "taboo," you just need to know the area very well so you can depict it correctly.
You might have a better time using a fictitious street. The benefits to this would be that you can create the world around the character exactly how you want it to be, rather then relying on a pre-existing place to place your character into. In addition, this takes away any possible error you could make in the description of a real street. Good luck with your story!