1. Hengest

    Hengest New Member

    Dec 27, 2009
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    Help please?

    Discussion in 'Traditional Publishing' started by Hengest, Dec 27, 2009.

    Hey everyone,
    Not sure if this is the write place or forum to post this. Admins please delete if this violates any rules.

    Hey everyone, I was wanting to get into freelance writing, but I have a few questions, maybe someone here can help me find the answer to.

    My main question is: Are there any places that I can get paid to write articles and material for things such as History(any history topic, I like to learn new things :D)?

    Sorry my minds not to clear at the moment. Otherwise I would have more questions to ask that wouldn't be as broad as this one. If someone could please answer my question it would be highly appreciated, thanks.

    Thanks for all the replys. The problem that I have with using google for Freelancing gigs is that I can't use most of the sites...
    I am only 16 (17 in 2 months) years old. That means that I can't use any(so far that I have found) of the freelancing websites...
    I was going to try using Triond, but the pay is so low I feel like I am just making them money instead of making anything worthwhile for myself.

    I am not asking to make a million bucks.
    I just need to make 100$ a month, and then I will gradually try and progress to more and more income per month.
    If anyone knows of sites that I can use please PM me since it is not allowed in post(I hope this isn't against forum rules for asking this)...
  2. jlauren

    jlauren New Member

    Jun 8, 2009
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    Queensland, AUSTRALIA
    Hey Hengest,

    This is the right place (forum and thread) to ask your question. Unfortunately, I don't know the answer! I just wanted to make sure you knew you haven't gone unheard.

    I hope someone can answer this soon and that you enjoy your time on the boards! Welcome :)
  3. Hengest

    Hengest New Member

    Dec 27, 2009
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    Thank you Jessica.
    I thought it would be better to ask then try and search on my own..
    Search engines give you to many results with unrelated content..
    Gets annoying after a while.
    Thanks for replying though.
  4. Cogito

    Cogito Former Mod, Retired Supporter Contributor

    May 19, 2007
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    Massachusetts, USA
    Helium has a very bad reputation. I've removed the post that recommended it.

    Please do not recommend specific publishing sites here, only reliable resoiurces for finding safe ones.
  5. writewizard

    writewizard New Member

    Dec 14, 2009
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    The freelance writing world is tough, tough, tough. There are two sources I use for my freelance work, which I don't think I can post here (sorry Cog, didn't realize it). Google is probbably the best for searching for freelance writing gigs. Just demand pay up front - otherwise you're risking loosing your work, your time, and your money.

    EDIT: Avoid websites which will pay you per number of views. I have found those sights LARGELY to be scams.

    Source: Two year freelance writer
  6. mammamaia

    mammamaia nit-picker-in-chief Contributor

    Nov 21, 2006
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    Coquille, Oregon
    yes... 'magazines' and 'literary journals' that publish such stuff... go to www.duotrope.com to find them...

    i was a freelance writer and writing consultant for a dozen years or so and will be glad to answer any questions you have, as well as help you along the way, if you want... feel free to drop me a line any time...

    love and hugs, maia

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