So in my story one of the charcters is a alien android. She was sent from another galaxy with her "sister" after there race the techics. But due to a accident she is left alone and isolated for a million years (she was online most of the time). Until the protagonist Caption Austin finds the crashed ship she was in. I want her to be a logical character like a volcon from star treck but to show emotion. And I'm not sure what effects there should be of a character isolated for so long suddenly being part of a crew. I finished the book but she seems so one demential. So any advise on how to make her more life like?
Have you tried studying C-3PO? He is very emotional but also very logical. Maybe not coldly logical like Vulcans, but you can make your character that way.
Hmm that would work but should there be any like side effects from isolation or should it be easy for the robot to put it behind them?
The cool thing about alien AIs from other galaxies is that they can be/do whatever you need them to be/do for your story. So just do what you want to. If you want her to be more lifelike and display some trauma at her isolation, have her partition her drive. Its the AI equivalent of giving yourself a split personality. One partition is all of her autonomic processes and her rationality, the other partition is where she has been stowing all of the OH GOD I'VE BEEN ALONE FOR LITERALLY ONE MILLION YEARS until she has the time and equipment to work through it.
Hey DemonKing (can I call you DK for short?). Like yourself I have only joined today. You might want to read Better Than Life, a book from the Red Dwarf series by Grant Naylor. At one point is describes the "frustrations" of a highly intelligent super computer who had been abandoned for around a million years, named Holly. Holly's AI had been eroded by the years of inactivity and maintenance. Maybe your android could have trouble recalling memories, or has "unlearned" certain processes?
I sometimes wonder about artificially intelligent beings (AI's). Can they experience emotions? Can they have sex? An android would be able to share experiences with other androids through memory transfers. Androids have unique experiences. I can visualize two androids embracing for this very purpose - to share the successes and heartbreaks of the other. Can an android share with a human? Yes, if the brain waves of humans can be digitized and interpreted. In fact, this is how an android would be able to experience human emotion, and sex - by sharing in the memories of humans. Give your android, and your human, the ability to communicate at thought-level, and I think you have an avenue for intimacy.
Very unlikely. Memory in AI is very different than RAM. Modern AIs are messes of neural networks that are far beyond the ability to serialize. I expect this "memory" to become even more convoluted over time. Most likely, your AI will become used to being alone. That's what makes AI so powerful, it's ability to adapt. Wouldn't such a creature be more like Seven of Nine than a Vulcan? There was even an episode where Seven dealt with a month of loneliness and it drove her mad.
What episode was that? And ya more like seven of 9. I'm thinking of making it so she has memory loss to a degree due to poor maintenance casing a decay in her neral pathways.
It was called One. It probably wouldn't be so much as poor maintenance, rather, I'd suggest that because certain parts of the mind weren't stimulated, the neural connections degraded. Neural networks work similarly to our own brains, they're constantly reprogramming themselves to adapt to their current environment.