Hi All, I am writing the plot of a new story and I am having trouble figuring out a name, I know I don't need to think of a name yet but I would like to call the book by a name of some sort whilst I'm writing it and so I can talk about it with my writing buddies without calling my no name werewolf novel. So I was hoping that you could all help me out. This is the plot I have so far it is not complete but it gives a general idea about the story line. I am hoping for it to be in a sequel. Ava is mugged on her way home one night and is jumped by thugs. During the fight she was bitten by one of them. On the next full moon she became a wolf whilst she was asleep without knowing it. Deaths followed her dreamless nights each full moon, and after a sleepover she thinks that she is the killer so she sets up a camera in her room the next night (2 nights each month when she shifts) and traps herself. After she discovers that she is a werewolf, she receives a gift, inside is a necklace with a silvery gem stone hanging from it, and a note saying that it will allow her to control herself. Desperate to make the changes stop she puts the necklace on. Her mind opens and she can hear everything going on around her. She can smell everything, and her vision improved. She felt other minds with hers trying to communicate with hers. They explained that the stone allows her to have all the abilities of the wolf inside her whist she remains human. She can stop herself from shifting or she can shift all the time not restricted to the full moon although she will continue to shift on the full moon, but she will be in control. Ava begins to adjust to her new abilities ignoring the others in her mind. Her body soon became stronger and her senses keener. Whenever she shifts she makes herself go into the forest and hide until dawn, when she would sneak back into her room without her parents noticing… hope you can all help me out thanks Coby
Write the story. You need not affix the title unil itr is submission readym and by then you'll have so thoroughly worked it over that the title should be cake. Or at the least, you'll know it well enough that you'll have a better chance of coming up with the title than anyone else will.
You're new! Hi and welcome! You've got something interesting here. But this can't be the full story. I understand that the conflict is when Ava discovers that she is the murderer, but that conflict was solved by the gem. Where is the major conflict? What is it? The title could be based on these things or even the ending of your book (don't tell me!!) But, from what I got so far, you can name it the following: -WEREWOLVES ATTACK (hehehe) -Shapeshifter?? -Lycantales?? (that's my best one! ) -Lycanthroes?? -Counting Wolves?? (you now, as opposed to, like, sheep... it's clever once you think about it) -Romulus' Stone?? -Remus' Stone?? -Skoll's Stone?? (you know, the wolf that ate the sun?) -Power Stone?? -WHEN DOGS ATTACK! Yeah, I'm no good at making titles either. I usually complete the story then I give a name that is relevant to the story's overall theme. Good luck!
The plot I put in is not done it is only about half of the story but i haven't worked out where I want go before I give it my ending Coby
Then I think your main concern for now is to figure out how you'll go about your story and then fuss over the title later. I usually finish something up before giving it a serious title. For now, I suggest you just give it a tentative title and work on the actual story.
As Kio said I think something like The Stone Of Romulus would be good. In case you didn't know Remus and Romulus where two wolves from Roman (Or was it Greek?) legend.
Romulus and Remus are wolves in Roman lore, so Stone of Romulus or Daughter of Romulus will be awesome titles!
Give it a title later. Alot of stories start off with titles like STORY ABOUT DRUGS or something similar. While not a story, however the guy who wrote the movie America Pie actually sent it to the studios with the title 'TEENAGE MOVIE ABOUT SEX THAT CAN BE MADE FOR UNDER 10 MILLION' The title doesn't matter until it is being published. In fact, you may sometimes find you create a awesome title only for the publisher to say they want to change it.
Since I saw this in your synopsis and it seems like a pretty important part of the plot, how about: "Until Dawn" or "Hide Until Dawn" or something along those lines?
I always write my story before I title it. If I do so before it's finished, the story starts to bend to fit the title instead of the title fitting the story. Write it and only then worry over the title.