Just out of curiosity are there any people out there that might have areas of expertise or a profession that might be able to help fellow writers in need? i.e. a lawyer that can give free advice or something similar. So many times we read people's writing and their posts, and we forget there is a person behind them. Personally I don't have much to give, though I have helped with information when I can about things I do know about. From what I have heard, for amateur writers to gain any kind of success, sometimes it takes some deep networking, and I hope there are some people out there that are willing to share some of their assets with those in need.
There's this: https://www.writingforums.org/threads/professional-areas-of-expertise.133382/ I'm not sure how much action we can expect from people who give advice for a living, like lawyers, though.
I'm a law student, and I'd be willing to share what I know. One of the members here (who hasn't logged on for a while) works in copyright law I believe, and while he gives good, free advice, he also suggests taking everything he says with a grain of salt. I agree with him on this. While people's intentions might be good, we don't know all the details and thus can't give you the best possible advice. It's the same reason why you should go see a doctor face to face instead of getting a diagnosis from someone online. The doctor's actual hand needs to be cupping your balls when you turn your head and cough. There's no substitute for that.
It is a good idea to network with other writers, but be careful about the source of any information. Make sure the person is credible in their knowledge on the subject. There is no substitute for proper research.
Are you talking about @Steerpike? I miss that guy. There was also Arron89, or something. He was a curator in an art museum. Whatever happened to him?