1. MaxMurtaugh

    MaxMurtaugh New Member

    Mar 1, 2007
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    Here i am, New member from seattle, i also have a ?

    Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by MaxMurtaugh, Mar 1, 2007.

    hey everybody, well i dont know what else to say so ill get started, ive always been into writing but never really got around to writing anything serious but i have started in the past few weeks, writing about whatever is on my mind, my best work so far is included below but i dont know where i would post this under? anyway feel free to tell me what you think about this post anyway, and just about this piece of writing THANKS loads guys. :)

    Life Comes Hard.
    Life can (and will) change in the blink of an eye. Should you not be prepared for it it can hit you hard, and with force. The point is that change is inevitable, its how you react to it that is the unknown variable. The only way to deal with a drastic change in life is to be dynamic, and to expect it. Since change is inevitable, it is imperative that you be ready to change your perception of life. Being dynamic boils down to being able to adapt to a new situation, culture, or relationship. Adapting does not always mean settling for less. At first it may seem like your losing out and in the end its true, you may lose out on something you truly enjoyed or even loved. But the sorry point is that, again, life changes, and will continue to change. This is the point where your standing at that fork, that crossroads in your life and you have two choices, a dead end in which you refuse to adapt and change, or a main highway that will lead you toward your next adventure in life. As even any blind man could see the latter of the two is the only real choice, but just because its obviously the right decision doesn't make it easy to travel. But just because that road has a few potholes in it and you might have an opportunity to turn around and go back to that fork in the road you can't. It's a part of life none of us want to face but the inevitable will always happen, like it or not. Naturally humans adapt, not only physically over hundreds of thousands of years but over the span of a lifetime, to a new environment, culture, or relationship. And as they adapt they begin to see the world in a new light, and their paradigm shifts. When this happens that person is liberated, for life changes and thusly we change, as a person; not in a bad way, and not to say that we were not our true selves before; just that who we truly are as a human being has changed. To adapt and change is not a bad thing in itself, its a completely natural and necessary thing that everyone will go through, regardless of which road you take.
  2. WhispWillow

    WhispWillow New Member

    Sep 4, 2006
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    Neither here nor there
    Hey! Seattle, hmm, what's it like? I'll try and read that piece later :)
  3. Raven

    Raven Banned

    Oct 14, 2006
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    The NetherWorld

    Any questions please feel free to pm myself or any of the mod team.

  4. ariella

    ariella New Member

    Nov 17, 2006
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    in a home full of wonderful and loving people I ca
    hey there and welcome to the forum

    glad you decided to join us here....watch out there are some really wierd people among us all here.....I am one of them....oops....lol.....no...really I am the nicest person here....lol....lol....
    have fun

  5. Domoviye

    Domoviye New Member

    Jan 8, 2007
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    Proud Canadian. Currently teaching in Nanjing, Chi
    Have a seat, put up your feet, and enjoy the hospitality.
  6. Gannon

    Gannon Contributor Contributor

    Jan 15, 2007
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    Manchester, England
    Hi and welcome. Your opening salvo above is just swell, except that the brackets in line one are in my opinion superfluous, it'd read just fine without them.
  7. bicker

    bicker Active Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    brb, gone to the moon
    serious is overatted

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