What Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? CFS is an illness characterized by profound and prolonged exhaustion, not relieved by rest and not directly caused by other illnesses or conditions. People with CFS exhibit flu-like symptoms that do not subside in a few days or weeks. A significant characteristic of CFS is post-exertional malaise, a worsening of symptoms that lasts for more than 24 hours following exertion. basically this means that if you exert yourself to even move at times. you are exhausted. What Causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Unfortunately, no one really knows what causes chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Often it occurs following a cold, flu or viral infection. It can start during or after a period of high physical or emotional stress. Yet sometimes it comes on gradually, with no clear starting point. Two decades of research have still not revealed a clear answer to the cause of CFS. History of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is often thought to be a fairly new illness, however, conditions with similar symptoms have been described in medical literature since the eighteenth century. It is closely linked to Fibromyalgia which has the fatigue but also great muscle pain. Florence Nightingale had fibromyalgia but not the chronic fatigue. In Victorian England it was called Hysterical Fatigue because mothers often became bed ridden with fatigue and pain after the year of activity when their daughters were presented. It was also the rich folks disease since the poor peasants could not afford to take to their beds so suffered and worked. There are coping skills but each person is affected differently and that is why so many drs. say it is all in your head. Believe me it is not. I just thought this would let you know what Itilby has to deal with. It will make it easier on everyone if they have a bit of understanding of this damned disease.
I'd like to add that CFS doesn't just mean you're tired all the time, it can also come with a lot of different symptoms such as abdominal pain, joint pain, muscular pain, dizziness, severe nausea, headaches and so on. Because there are so many different symptoms, every case of CFS is different. There are also a lot of different names for CFS- PVS (Post Viral Syndrome), ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis), etc; Fibromyalgia was once thought to be another name for it, but it's actually a component of it. They're really all different names for the same illness.
Florence Nightingale had Brucellosis. However I was wondering if anyone else had any of these conditions?
Sorry to hear that my kids are little too. Do you mind me asking how you dealt with it and how it affected you?
Well, I didn't notice very much difference since I was only 5 when he got it. The difference with him and a healthy person is that he can't go and work, and he stays in bed till about noon, to try to get some more sleep.
We are learning to cope right now I was healthier when I had my kids doing really well but all this snow this winter has made me sicker than I have ever been.
not right now but we are moving in a few weeks and I can have a bedroom downstairs and arrange things so kids can play in the garden whilst I lie in bed and watch etc, hopefully life will get easier. It's horrible for the kids right now my daughter is only 6 and she is doing too much. My kids have been brilliant though.