Hello writers, I've recently discovered the author Herman Hesse who is my very favourite writer. I've read everything by him that I can find and just last night exhausted all my books by him. I was wondering if anybody could recommend some authors who are similar to Herman Hesse in ideas/writing style. Thanks
i went thru a Hesse phase, read everything. i would suggest "Thus Spoke Zarathrustra" (or any thing else) by Nietzsche (if you haven't already devoured his writings.) i don't know if they ARE similar, but the thought jumped into my head... anniemule
why would you devoure his writing? I am triyng to get into his work but I am not seeing the attraction.
I still haven't read anything by Hesse, though I've been meaning to. I think I'm going to start with Siddhartha and go from there.
A better place to start, I think, would be Peter Camenzind. Hesse's otherworldliness can be intoxicating. Like Will and annie I read pretty much all his output in short order. I would, however, advise sobering up and not reading The Glass Bead Game. Can't think of much fiction that is like Hesse.
Maybe thats why you didn't get "devour" his writing. eating the words, savoring the sentences, filling your guts with strange thoughts...to me...reading is a sensual experience. ever read Proust? delicious.
Dostoevsky maybe. The underground man has some similarities with Steppenwolf. Hesse was also influenced by Carl Jung, so you might like his stuff. Man and his symbols is a good place to start.