I've been told to introduce myself, so here goes! I love writing and have been doing it since the age of 10 (although it was a story I created about Full House using the sentences from my homework sheet!). Over the past couple of years I've been working on my first novel that I hope to get published in the future. I look forward to seeing what this forum has to offer and in the meantime, I'll be over here hiding from the task of writing my query letter ! PS> If anyone feels like helping with the Query letter or even writing it ....... *cough* I'll pay in cupcakes *cough*
Hi Tiffany! Welcome to the group. Mmm cupcakes - ... Must resist... I don't envy you the query task, I tried it for a writer's workshop and found it difficult to balance brevity and coherence.
I'd love that! Unfortunately, I've been getting so much broad advice on the query letter thus far. I've been told it's too much, not enough, awkward, a lack of conflict/goals and finally not enough detail. Do people actually succeed with these little buggers?!