First and foremost I have to say I'm new here! Just signed up and it seems to be a great community! Now allow me to apologize for my grammar and spelling before I go any further.. I've been a writer all my life, mainly I have always written lyrics and story's in song form.. But the last couple years I've been working on a novel. No I don't have any questions as of yet, this was just me introducing myself, and I'm sure I'll have tons of questions in the near future! Oh and I do apologize if I'm in the wrong discussion thread :/ I wasn't quite sure where if anywhere to put this! Thanks and it's nice to meet you all!
Welcome! I've also just started writing my first novel after spending years messing with poetry and songs.
Hey! Thanks Je33ie! Well the novel is about a young cardiologist; needs to stop a deadly virus from being created, a greedy billionaire, an assassin, and a twisted father.. That's the long story short I have the entire thing written out in my head and on my draft papers and I'm about 20k words into it already. I love the characters I love my plot and I'm sure I'll have complications in the future haha! The only reason it's not finished yet is I don't have a whole lot of writing time to actually put fingers to keystrokes! Working 70 hours a week will do that to ya! Although my job does give me a lot of research time!
How was the transition for you Jethelin? I found I was over describing everything and my dialogs needed tons of work lol! Just so everyone knows I type all of my forum stuff from my iPhone so I'm just gonna say damn you auto correct before it even happens!
Bah it was kind of rough at first. The first 20 pages of my novel are scheduled to be re-written due to horribly bland dialog. I've slowly gotten used to it, and the quality has improved noticeably. Still needs work though. The time it takes to complete such a massive project is the big problem with me. I went from a few minutes to maybe hours to write and correct a previous project, to hours and hours with only a fraction of progress. Still loving the change though, wish I had started sooner .
Oh man do I know what you mean there! I had actually put the novel down for a couple months (I lost all of my draft papers and ideas, therefore writers block struck me bad!) It was always on the back of my mind, and i always wanted to return to writing it, and finally the ideas came back, different of course, but they still worked just the same. When i started writing again, i had to reread what i had already written, and my god was it awful! The ideas where there, the story was there, but the way I had described stuff. Tacky at best! So a massive rewrite was in order! I took the best stuff and just changed everything for the better. Now that i have started to add to the story, and my characters have begun to develop I'm actually finding it easier to create what I actually want to happen. (if that makes any sense to you!) My biggest problem has got to be my spelling and grammar, If it weren't for spell check, i would be the worlds worst writer! I did have the idea to create persona's for each of the main characters before i started writing, so even though the dialog's were bland they had individual characteristics that told them apart! so that was a good thing!
That sounds like a lot of fun!! Keep motivated by coming on here every now and then and sharing your ideas
look down at the bottom of the sections menu page and you'll find the introduction section... you can ask a moderator to move this thread down there for you... meanwhile, welcome to!