Long time no see, sorry for my absence but crazy life changes have been happening in regards to work and studies etc. Thought I would pop in and see how you all are!
I'm doing well, sorting out through last of my garden's produce and working on the novel most days. How's your writing going?
It is not so bad, I had a bit of a block since last year but finally getting some new work done so pretty positive. Also a part of a couple of writing groups now also. How did your produce go? My tomatoes have ONLY just turned red now. Peppers are pretty big, almost ready to come off, and the spring onions have been delicious!
That's really good, that the block has lifted. Are the writing groups helping? I'm a lone wolf in that sense, I have to work at it alone, so it's self-motivation that I find the most difficult. We had loads tomatoes down here, they are all finished now sadly. Some peppers still in the greenhouse, tons of them outside too, but all were small, the big varieties don't do so well, it's too wet. Had some lovely yellow squashes, gorgeous corn and purple carrots, which were the biggest surprise, they grew massive. Didn't go as well as it could, but we learned a lot and hopefully will have even better luck next year I wanted to try growing spring onions, I planted some purple ones but they didn't come up. Will try next year