1. Knux57

    Knux57 New Member

    Jan 2, 2014
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    Portage, Michigan

    Hey, I'm a member here now.

    Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by Knux57, Jan 2, 2014.

    How 'bout that?

    Anyway, I'm Jared Kibler. I'm 20 years old, and I've read one book all the way through in my life! Yet here I am, in the process of writing a novel. The writing style I use is lighthearted and accessible to casual readers (because, you know, I'm not even a reader), but for a mature audience.

    I graduated high school in 2011 and, at the last second, decided against going to college. I still haven't gone to this day. I work at McDonald's to fund the apartment I live in with one of my best friends, whose life is unimportant because this is my introduction, dammit. I can definitely say that I live happily, if anyone cares to know.

    I just randomly thought to see if there was a forum for writing that I could join, and found one that seemed nice pretty easily. I think I'll stick around, seeing how this seems to be a very diverse kind of forum. That's interesting to me, because every other forum I've frequented was something gaming related, so there was an obvious theme to everything that was posted.

    Speaking of which, gaming and browsing the internet are my hobbies besides writing. I like all kinds of games, but most notably-...well, actually there is no particular genre that I can think of as my favorite. That started once I stopped playing Call of Duty after Black Ops 1. I played SoulCalibur V throughout all of 2012, with games like SSX (the 2012 one) and Gears of War: Judgement being small bumps in the SoulCalibur road. Eventually, I moved on to playing Magic 2013 (thanks to Xbox's free games thing they do now) and then Magic 2014 later on. Currently, I'm playing The Witcher 2 and Super Mario 3D Land. So really, I just enjoy every kind of video game. Same with the internet, I enjoy basically everything it has to offer. Writing is the only hobby I actually like to bring up, seeing how it's something that isn't incredibly typical. And I also like to use that one line that I used at the start of this intro about how I'm a writer who has only read one book in his life. That's like a hobby of mine on its own.

    In conclusion,
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2014
  2. L.T.

    L.T. New Member

    Nov 8, 2013
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    Hi Knux. Welcome to the Forum.

    You have definitely stopped in at the right place as this is a great Forum with advice and material on just about any genre. Writing is a great way to express yourself and one of my favorite hobbies now. I hope you continue to find as much enjoyment with it as I do.
    Knux57 likes this.
  3. Konan

    Konan Banned

    Oct 30, 2013
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    Welcome here!
  4. Memogard

    Memogard New Member

    Jan 14, 2014
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    I find it interesting that you've only ever read one book completely. I'm assuming that reading a lot helps with writing but it's by not means an absolute requirement. I myself am not a prolific reader either though I enjoy a good book from time to time.

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