Hello, I'm a 15 year old kid from Bulgaria. I am generally self-taught in English (the education level here is quite bad, especially language-wise...) and I thought I'd start writing a fantasy novel after getting a, what seemed to me, pretty decent idea. So here I thought I'd ask, after introducing myself, I have to wait a few days and post quite a lot in the forum in order to get critique on what I have started to write, right? So, right now, I cannot post a chunk of my work and ask for help? Or have I misunderstood? Thanks in advance.
Welcome to the forum, Randomizethis! Please read the rules, explore the site, and participate. It's good to have you here! The short answer to your question is: Before you can post your own work for critique, you have to have been a member for fourteen days, have twenty or more posts, and have done two constructive critiques of the work of others in our Writing Workshop. Don't worrry; it sounds harder than it is! By the way, your English is excellent, especially for a self-taught fifteen-year-old! Well done!
Thanks for the heads up, I'll be looking forward to when I can post! Until then, you might find me lurking here and there in the forum > Thanks, this does mean a lot to me, as I do lack the confidence when writing in English, tends to be a deal breaker sometimes.