Oh Lordy Lordy, well, I'm Dickie Bird, or so my friends named me but u can call me Dick or Dickie! Although I am a bit of a stickler and prefer Dickie with the IE and the captial D! Apart from that I'm great haha! Dickie
Nice to meet you Dickie! -shakes your hand- I'm sure you'll enjoy it here because i sure do. The people rock and the writing stimulation is great. Welcome
Hi Dickie, Hope you enjoy the site! I've found the best way to get the most out of it is to read you r way around, introduce yourself here as you've done - maybe join in a few of the words games and get yourself known. Find similar pieces to that which you write and offer some of your thoughts, all of this will encourage existing members to offer their thoughts on your work. Any questions PM me or any of those with coloured names - they should be able to help you out! See you around.
hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello just wanted to say hi and welcome to the forum. Have fun now ya hear!? ~Tor
Hello Dickie, welcome to the Writing Forums! As Gannon said, take some time to explore and see what we have to offer. Writing is all about discovery and growth, and everyone wants to make his or her writing better. Have fun!