Hey everyone, I'm really interested in sci-fi/fantasy stories. I've not published anything yet, but hope to some day. What got me interested in writing? Well I'm glad you asked.... Like I said above, I really love sci-fi/fantasy stories; mostly sci-fi, but the problem I have is that I'd seem most of the movies out there. So, I decided to start reading. I've never been much of a reader, and just happened to make it through college by skimming as much as I could. But anyway, I've liked what I've read so much, that I want to contribute my own stories. Well..... See ya on the boards
Hi there. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I hope you find your stay here fruitful. Cheers
Welcome on board, Terry. Hopefully you will find plenty of stimulating ideas here, as well as useful feedback as you develop your individual style. Above all, have fun!
Think I'll leave all the Sci Fi / Fantasy stuff to you, not really my scene but it is a pleasure to have you here anyway, enjoy you stay.
Hello and welcome to WF.org, I hope you have a wonderful time here and I look forward to seeing you around the board. ~Torana