Hi. My name is Jeremiah, and I'm a soon-to-be 20 year old (hopefully) emerging fiction writer. I have little in experience as far as marketing or publishing goes, but I've been writing pretty much all of my life. I'm here in hopes that I can learn something about how to use my passion to make a reliable income, and hone my skills, without wasting most of my life making nothing, or being totally blown away by endlessly overwhelming long articles and rants of information I can't process without getting depressed or giving a headache. Also, I'm usually not this open, but I really need help. I also wouldn't consider it the worst thing ever if I made a friend or two in my stay here, lol.
Hi, Jeremiah, and welcome to the forum! Please read the rules, participate, and have fun. Judging by your first post, you'll find what you're looking for here.