Hi! I'm new here. Lets see I'm 14 from sout carolina, and I've been writing little short stories for over a year now and mostly what I write are these stories that take place in my own little world that I've created and there kinda a fantasy, adventure, romance, action, type deal. I came here in hopes of finding a place where I might could find somewhere where I might could share some of my stuff and maybe get some help from more professional aurthors so yeah I hope that I'm welcome.
Hi there. You should find some helpful advice. Although actual reviews could take a little time. So please be patient with us. Hope you like it here. Cheers.
Welcome to the site. ...So, yeah, stuff 'round here takes some time. New members tend to forget this one little rule: try and post three crits (critiques of some one work) before submitting one of your own. It just makes things run a little more smoothly.
I don't know if we count as more professional, possibly more experienced (read senior!). Welcome to the site, look forward to seeing your stuff!
welcome to WF.org I hope you have a wonderful time here. It is a great site and although it may sometimes take a while to get your work reviewed, it is always worth while Have fun and seeya round the board ~Torana
Welcome to WF as we say around these parts. if you need any help and advice around writing check out the SPAG, Creation, Charactor Develpment and Plot Creation threads. Feel free to post up your work you'll certainly recieve good honest critique here. ~Raven.
Wow, I envy your youth! I wish I would have joined a forum like this one 3-4 years ago. Anyway, welcome around and feel free to post your work as well as offer insight in to other writer's peices.