1. BookLover

    BookLover Active Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by BookLover, Mar 31, 2014.

    Hi! I just joined. When I first started searching for a writing forum, I didn't know there would be so many choices! I might end up joining half a dozen before I can decide which one I like best.

    Anyway, I'm working on my first novel. I have been for way too long. I'm hoping that talking with other writers will help me stay focused on writing. (Because joining a half dozen writing forums is in no way a form of procrastination and will totally keep me focused on my story... Totally.)
  2. AndyC

    AndyC Member

    Mar 18, 2014
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    Hi there! I'm sure you'll find some great feedback here. We'll try to help you in everything we can.
    Welcome to the forum, have fun :)
  3. Andrae Smith

    Andrae Smith Bestselling Author|Editor|Writing Coach Contributor

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Washington State, U.S.A.
    Hi @BookLover,

    Welcome to the forums. We're glad to have made your list of selections. I'm sure you'll find we have one of the best communities out there for anyone who's serious about writing. Just try not to get sucked into all of the non-writing that goes on when one frequents many forums. ;)

    Please be sure to have a look at the Forum Rules so you know how we function. We have a great community, full of diverse and active members from around the globe. Feel free to explore, ask questions, and get involved in all kinds of discussions. If you have questions about the forum itself, you can also look through our FAQ or simply PM a moderator. They're always happy to help. (BTW, I'm not a mod, I just wanted to beat them to greeting you. :D)

    So, your first novel huh? You must be so excited. May I ask what it's about? What drew you to writing in the first place? Is this your first experience with writing?
  4. BookLover

    BookLover Active Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Thanks for the welcomes! Andrae, it's about a woman with extreme social anxiety and how she experiences life. (There's also an actual plot somewhere in there. :p But mostly it's about her experiences.) I don't know for sure what drew me to writing. I guess I'm just addicted to the endorphins that the creative process can produce in me. I'm a daydreamer. I always thought I might be able to turn that unproductive trait into a productive one.

    I have written one other book. It was a children's book that went nowhere. I could only take so many rejection letters before I gave up on it. I've closed that book for good, but I haven't given up on writing altogether. I'll finish this novel, and even if no one ever reads it, I'll at least finish it and be able to say I tried.
    Andrae Smith likes this.
  5. Andrae Smith

    Andrae Smith Bestselling Author|Editor|Writing Coach Contributor

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Washington State, U.S.A.

    I'm diggin' the optimism. :cool: Don't give up on writing if it's what you want to do. You may have a story after all. Just a tip from me to you to help get you started: try to identify a goal for you MC. What does she want? Give us something that we can get behind her for. Is she trying to overcome anxiety? Is she looking to get a job that must push her? W.e the case, if she has a goal, it will be easier for an audience to get behind her and for you to plan out a plot or series of cohesive obstacles.

    Anyway, more writing advice to come. What was your children's book about? Did you have an age range in mind?
  6. BookLover

    BookLover Active Member

    Mar 31, 2014
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    Thanks for the advice, Andrae! :) My main character is pretty paralyzed by her anxiety, so she doesn't have many goals. She reacts to life's events more so than creating them. Her goal in life would be to be invisible. She would love to get over her anxiety, but it doesn't seem possible to her. Of course, in the end I plan to have her overcome her social anxiety but not because she was actively working toward that. She ends up having to react to an even bigger fear in her life which completely sidelines her petty social fears. She overcomes them out of necessity.

    My children's book was about making mistakes. My age range was pre-school (3-5 year-olds) which was the age I used to teach. I didn't actually get insulting rejection letters. One potential agent even said my idea was original, but ultimately no one was interested in backing it. I've completely given up on that one and don't even like to think about it anymore. :oops:
  7. Andrae Smith

    Andrae Smith Bestselling Author|Editor|Writing Coach Contributor

    Jun 22, 2012
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    Washington State, U.S.A.
    Well that sounds like a smart way to go about it. I didn't mean to imply that overcoming anxiety had to be the goal, but it may make a good obstacle and she should have some kind of goal that we're waiting for her to reach (or fail to reach). I'm sure i'll come out nice. Good luck.

    Okay, that sounds like it would have been nice. Your point is duly noted. I shan't mention it again.
  8. KaTrian

    KaTrian A foolish little beast. Contributor

    Mar 17, 2013
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    Hi BookLover, and welcome to the forum :) I hope you'll find inspiration from here, I know in my case being part of the community has given that extra kicks to keep on writing :)

    Have fun!

    (I love your avatar, btw. Belle is awesome ;))

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