Hello there. This shall be my first post, and hopefully not my last. I'm a slightly crazy 16 year old female, and I love writing more than life. I tend to have a problem with finishing longer works, but I'm trying to fix that. I just get distracted too much, I guess. Either way, I'm looking forward to posting and stuff. Btw, you can call me Ange, or Angie, or pretty much anything I guess.
Hi there. If your only slightly crazy I guess you should fit in. We generally get really crazy, nut cases, and raving lunatics, but you can work on that later. Hope you enjoy yourself here. Cheers.
Welcome to the forum, don't worry, if you are crazy then you will fit right in here ^ ^ we have a few crazy members, why I used to be one of them, in fact I am pretty sure I still am ^ ^ anywho...hope you have a wonderful time here and find the forum to be a great source of information and help you in your writing endeavours. ~Torana By the way Domoviye is one of the most craziest members we have ever had here, although he has tamed down a little (might have been to do with those people with those really nice white jackets, Domoviye was the first to get one, mine is on its way.) MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA!
Is that your real name? Anyway great to have you and I hope you manage more than a solitary post to! (Oh and Torana, those colours hurt my eyes)
Hey there! Welcome to the forums and I wouldn't worry about the slightly crazy part - i'm sure we've had worse As for the trouble finishing your writing, I for one can relate to that I look forward to seeing you around Kit (Ps...Torana: I agree with Gannon)
'slightly crazy' They told me this was the place for the totally crazy people and that I'd fit in here. Oh well, we'll soon sort you out Angie, it shouldn't take too long. I'm going to get some painkillers now for my headache after reading Torana's post. Welcome to the nut house! I'm Chief Walnut but you can call me Sayso. Why? Because I say so.